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August 12th, 1993
Los Angeles, California


"DeVante is it true that you are gay?"

"Can you confirm that those pictures are real?"

"Are you and Static Major dating?"

"Is that you kissing Static in those photographs?"

"Did you kill Maia Combs?"

"Did you try to kill yourself because the world found out you're gay?"

"What triggered your suicide attempt?"

"Were you using your late girlfriend Maia Combs as a cover up to hide the fact that you're gay?"

"Is it true that you are a suspect in the death of Maia Combs?"

"What can you tell us about homosexuality in the music industry? Is it more common than we think?"

"Have you always been suicidal?"

"Are those pictures of you and Static real?"

I was frozen, paralyzed by fear and the timidness that had taken over my body as I stared into the eyes of hundreds of fans and news reporters who were eagerly shouting out questions at me. My eyes were wide with fear as I struggled to hold my clammy and trembling hands down at my sides. My heart beat was increasing by the minute and I felt the sudden urge to throw up, being overwhelmed with uneasiness from the whole situation.

I looked back at Andre and Puffy, "I-I can't do this y'all..." I stammered as I shook my head.

"Yes you can-"

"And you will." My brother said sternly, cutting off Andre, "You don't have a choice."

Feeling defeated, I finally gave in, "Alright." I sighed, swallowing the huge lump that formed in my throat. I took a quick glance at the crowd one more time and turned back around, giving Andre a thumbs up along with a nervous smile.

He smiled, nodding his head as he made his way to the front of the stage. He adjusted the microphone and cleared his throat, "Good after noon ladies and gentlemen, my name is Andre Harrell and this press conference is to address and clear up all rumors and accusations concerning my artist, DeVante Swing. Any negative comments will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the building. First, DeVante has a brief statement he would like to read, and then we can get to your questions." He looked over to me, "DeVante." he called, gesturing for me to come up to the mic.

I exhaled and stood up, grabbing the mic from Andre. As I looked at the crowed, I couldn't help but notice Static was just a few rows back, accompanied by Missy and Tornado. His infamous black sun glasses covered his face as his head aimed towards to floor. As soon as I laid eyes on him, I instantly felt a rush of happiness take over my body as the corners of my lips began to turn up into a smile, He really came.

But that feeling left just as quick as it came, including my smile. I snapped back into reality, remembering that I had to basically deny having any type of relationship with Static outside of business and anything else having to do with it, including those pictures. I took a big gulp, rubbing my sweaty palm against my pants leg as I got ready to finally speak into the mic, "Uh good morning everyone, thank you for taking the time to come out today. First, I'd like to say that those pictures you've recently seen in the papers and on the news are not me. Static and I...we-we have a strictly business relationship only, I'm his mentor. Although I have no problem with gays, I can assure you that I am a 100% straight, God fearing man. Everyone around me knows that I love women, hence my two children. Those pictures and any other allegations against me are false, they're not real and legal action will be taken once we find out who is doing this slandering." The whole time I was talking, I avoided Static's section. Once I finally looked up, I noticed that he was looking right at me. Even with his glasses on, I could tell his chocolate colored eyes were burning right into mine. Missy and Tornado both shook their head at my words, knowing that it was just a bunch of lies. "As you all know, my girlfriend of two years, Maia Combs has recently passed away due to a hit and run that I was not responsible for. Maia was my heart, she was my soul, she was my everything. There is no way I'd have anything to do with her death in a million years. I-I loved her...I loved her more than life itself. She was a beautiful, talented, amazing girl who was taken away from us too soon. Her death effected me in many ways, including mentally. My suicide attempt was a result of me losing the love of my life and my best friend all at once, not over some gay rumor that is nowhere near the truth. Static did come visit me while I was in the hospital-that was true. But we definitely did not kiss or anything of that sort, those pictures were clearly edited. I'd like to apologize to my friends and family, Maia's family, and anyone else these pictures and allegations may have effected. And uh, thanks for y'all time. That's it."

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