{4} Brotherly Advice

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Eleanor's POV

Right now we are on another plane. After winning against the Diamondbacks we had to immediately hop on a plane to Washington D.C. That means I finally get to see my brother again and all of the guys from the Nationals. To say I was excited was an understatement. We are there for 4 days. Day 1 we have a night game. Day 2 is an off day. Day 3 is a 1:10 game. Day 4 was yet another night game.

As I sat in-between Anthony and Kris again this time was different. Kris and I didn't talk, which was normal but the reason was different. We usually don't talk because of the anger I had towards him. Now we aren't talking because of the awkwardness that looms over the both of us from the first game against the Diamondbacks. 

All of a sudden the plane jerked because of some turbulence. I felt Kris jump from beside me and started to have a little panic of his own.

"I almost forgot how much you hate flying." I said as I looked at him. He blushed and nodded. Great no response. I mean it's not like I want a response. Right? I don't care what he has to say or how he's feeling? Ugh this is frustrating. 

After a couple more hours of Kris and I not even acknowledging each other and Anthony and I making small talk. The plane finally landed. Instead of going straight to the hotel like last time we went straight to Nationals Park. An all to familiar atmosphere surrounded me as I stepped out of the bus we took to get here. I had a smile on my face as we all walked to the clubhouse where the guys would be getting ready in.

"Hey Joe I'm gonna go say hi to my brother real quick is that alright?" I asked 

"Of course kiddo take your time." He said. I quickly kissed his cheek and went towards the feild where the Nationals guys were having their batting practice right now.

"ELLIE!!!" I heard a VERY familiar voice shout as I stepped out on the field. I turned ad saw Bryce running towards me with his arms wide open. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck as he hugged me and spun me around.

"I missed you Bryce." I said still smiling

"Even though it's barely even been a week I missed you more than you can imagine." He said pulling me into another hug.

"So tell me how everything is going. Are the guys treating you good? Is he causing any problems for you?" Bryce started questioning going into overprotective brother mode.

"Things are actually going really good. The guys are more than welcoming. Part of me even considers some of them like family. And no he's not causing me any trouble I think it's the other way around." I sighed and shook my head.

"What do you mean sis?" 

"Ever since I came to work for the cubs he's been seriously slaking and he's been so distracted. I know I'm the reason and I hate it. This is his life. His career. I don't want to jeopardize anything because of my personal feelings. I don't know what to do Bryce." I looked at him desperately looking at him for answers. He deeply sighs before answering.

"Well you might not like this but you need to talk to him about what happened. I know what he did was horrible but you have to at least sit down and have a civil conversation with him and figure it out from there." I out a hand on my shoulder pulling me into a side hug as we watch the guys hit.

"You're right. Maybe I'll ask him to lunch on our off day or something." Just as I was about to walk back into the dugout I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist spinning me around. When I saw who it was I squealed and jumped into Max's arms.

"Ellie how are you?! we all miss you here it's not he same without you." He said sadly.

"Maxy I missed you too! How are you you'e looking great! We should catch up soon!" You see Max was gone for the last month I was with the Nationals off of a back injury so I didn't get to say goodbye or anything to him. besides my brother, Max and I were the closest out of all the guys.

"How about tomorrow night after the game since it's an afternoon game it's give us enough time to get ready and get a nice dinner?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course! Pick me up at my hotel at 7?" I asked

"Sounds good! Well I bet get going so I can warm up." We bid our goodbyes and headed our opposite ways.

When I entered the clubhouse I was bombarded with questions about Max and I. I brushed them off slightly embarrassed with what they were asking me and went to the trainers room and saw Ton, Kris, and Javy sitting waiting for me.

 "So what this I hear about you and Max Scherzer going on a date tomorrow?" Anthony asked. I rolled my eyes.

"That Tony is none of your business. But if you insist yes I am going on a "date" with Max but it's only as friends." I huffed in annoyance. I went over to Kris first to wrap his ankle and wrists. The tension between us only grew since the whole Max and I thing went around the team.

"Does he know that you want to only be friends?" Javy asked. I looked up confused as to why they were asking me these questions.

"Of course! Max doesn't even like me like that and if he did it wouldn't matter because like I said before I don't like him like that." I finished with Kris and went on to Javy. Just as I finished my explanation Kris scuffed loudly causing all our heads to turn to him. He angrily grabbed his glove and left the room. I sighed and shook my head sadly.

"You know the only reason he's acting like this is because he still loves you." Anthony said as Javy nodded his head in agreement.





Another chapter for you guys! Enjoy! Let me know what you guys think. I know it's kinda a boring chapter but I'm trying here lol

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