Getting Out

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Sam and the other ghost girl sat down on the floor of the bathroom. Sam put her hands on her knees and asked,"So how do we get out of this place?"

"We can't leave until that filthy pig leaves," answered the girl. "We have to follow him out the door. I have no idea why."

"Oh," said Sam. "What's your name?"

"Kara," answered the ghost. "Kara Trevor."

"I'm Sam, Samantha Reyal," she introduced herself. "I guess we'll have to wait til morning."

"Yeah, being dead sucks."

"Well... I guess while we wait we could talk about our lives," offered Sam.

"There's no point," said Kara. "I'm dead so why should stories matter?"

Sam knew how she felt. For a awhile they were silent. Sam thought about Jackson, Tyler and mostly Liam. What would they think when they found out that she was dead. Would they all go mad and move far away? When would anyone find her and Kara?

Sam still had her emotions and she cried with Kara. They were alone together in a world they had no idea how to live in. They were stuck in a horrible place for awhile.


Three days had passed when they noticed their murderer packing a small backpack. He never left the warehouse during those three days. All he did was watch pointless cartoons and eat. Sam and Kara always stood behind him trying to stare him down, but they knew that he couldn't see them.

The man picked up the backpack and tossed it over his shoulder. He walked out of the room and into the long hallway. Sam and Kara followed him closely and prepaired themselves for freedom. He strolled across to the other side of the building where two glass doors awaited them. He pushed one door opened and the three of them left the dreadful place. 

Once they were out Sam looked up at the blue sky. For the first time in four days she felt free. Kara watched her and said,"I know that you'd probably want to go find your family. So I'll keep an eye on him." 

Sam looked at Kara and said,"Are you sure?"  

"Yeah, it's fine." 

Sam hugged her and walked towards town, the oppisite way that the murderer went. Sam walked for hours until she found a familiar place. Her high school. By that time it was around four o'clock in the afternoon. She walked  to her neighborhood and strolled down a couple of streets. She turned one last corner and saw her house. Just outside her house was a cop car parked close to the sidewalk.  

She ran down the street and across her front lawn. She stepped onto the front porch and walked straight through the door. Immediately she saw her parents talking to a female police officer.

"We're doing everything we can to find your daughter, but I am fearing the worst. You're sure that she'd never run away?" asked the officer.

"Yes we are sure. She is not that kind of a girl," answered Sam's mother. 

"Mom I'm right here!" screamed Sam even though she knew that she couldn't hear her.

"Alright we'll keep looking for her, but we may have to call off the search soon."

Mrs. Reyal bursted into tears and hugged her husband. He rubbed her head and nodded towards the police officer. The deputy shook her head and slowly left the house. 

Sam walked up to her parents and cried with her mother. 

"Mommy I'm here. Don't worry," said Sam trying to wipe her mother's tears. 

"It's okay sweetheart. We'll find her," comforted Sam's dad. 

He then too began to cry. Sam tried to rub his tear away but couldn't. She had never seen her father cry before. 

Tyler walked down the stairs with a picture of her in his hands. Right after him came Liam dressed in a blue t-shirt. Sam smiled and stepped towards him. She put her hand on his chest and immediately he stopped. He looked down at his shirt and felt her hand.

"Do you feel that?" he asked Tyler.

"Feel what?" said Tyler walking towards him.

"That cold breeze," answered Liam waving his hands through Sam.

Tyler felt his sister and said, "Whoa that's weird." 

Liam looked up and saw Sam's parents crying. "What did the police officer say?" he asked.

Sam's father looked up at him and said, "They're going to stop the search soon."

"What!" bursted Tyler. "They can't not yet!"

"I know son," said their father. "You and Liam should go look for anything in your sister's room. Your mother needs her rest."

Tyler nodded and guided Liam back up the stairs. Sam followed them to her bedroom. Tyler slowly opened the door into her peaceful, colorful bedroom. Liam walked in first and stared around at the bedroom walls. Sam watched him closely as he sat down on her bed. Then she saw the saddness in his eyes. 

She sat down next to him and he rubbed a tear away. Tyler sat on the other side of him and put his elbows on his knees. 

"It's my fault," he whispered to himself.

"What are you talking about?" asked Liam.

"If I wasn't mad at her then maybe..." 

"Tyler no, it's my fault I should've walked her home," said Liam.

Sam scooted closer and said, "You guys don't blame yourselves. It's my fault. No one else's."

Liam shooked and said, "It's cold again."

Tyler ignored his comment and stayed silent. The bedroom door creaked open and a head appeared from behind. Jackson peeped in and then stared right at Sam with wide eyes.

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