Chapter 3

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Megan's POV:

"Ohh get off!" Why is someone pushing me while I'm asleep?? I opened my eye slightly and saw a figure, i couldn't really work out what it was but i didn't care. I just wanted to sleep.


"Oww!! My Head!!!" Ok, I'm officially pissed! Someone just pushed me off my bed!! And im even more pissed off because my head hurts!!!!!!!

"It wouldn't have hurt if you just woke up!" I knew that voice.


"Yes, dumb ass! Get up!!! I can't believe what happened yesterday!!!!" I rose up from my covers and i clicked, I WAS THE ONE LESS LONELY GIRL!!


"I KNOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I got up and i did my happy dance!

"Seriously, your happy dance??" She rolled her eyes and laughing, i knew my dance was stupid but I'm happy aren't I!

"Guess what!"


"Justin slipped something into my pocket when i was on the concert"

"What?!! What was it??"

"I dunno, i didn't look"

"Then LOOK!!!!"

"Alright, alright, calm down!" I went into my baseball jacket pocket and took a crumpled piece out. I mentally scanned the piece of paper. Then stopped, read over again. I was speechless.

"What does it say??"

"....." I tried to say something but it didn't come out.

"Spit it out!"



Jess's POV:

"What?" I was soooo confused, she does this sometimes, it irritates me cant she just SPIT IT OUT!

"Its Justin Number" WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Sorry what did you say?" I had to double check, no way would Justin give HER his number, she's not even that pretty!

"Look" I scanned the paper

*The paper:

973-474-9051 Call Me Sometime

Justin Bieber Xxx*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She thought i was excited really I'm PISSED!!!

"I KNOW RIGHT!!!" Even though i was pissed that he came HER his number i was happy for her! She's never had a boyfriend and me i have one every year! We started to Jump!

"Yay Yay Yay Yay!!!!" We did the Hannah Montana thingy.

"Call him" I said he probably wanted to ask about me!

Megan's POV:

"Call him" Sorry what, did i hear her right? Did she say call him!!

"I couldn't!" In my head i kept on replaying the message. 'Call Me Sometime' i mean, is this for real? Did THE Justin Bieber just ask me to call him?

"Don't be a baby!" I rolled my eyes, i hate it when she says that 'Don't be a baby!' its soo annoying. This time i thought to give her back a snide remark!

"Don't be a baby? I wanna be a baby, so i can be his baby! I stuck my tongue out. I got my IPhone out and tapped the number in.






Heyy Guys!!!! I'm happy 6 people have read my stories Hahah!! Much Obliged!! Please Vote or Comment!! Xxx I have a link of a picture (if you press external link) and the person that tweeted is me, so if you want to follow me, be my guest! Xx

It's gunna get exciting *I Hope!!* And please comment and vote!! Xxx Love Ya!! Xxx

Rebecca Xxx

Am I Dreaming? (A Justin Bieber Love Story) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now