Pre-Start Summary) Out of Orbit

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I sit at my kitchen table, the wood looked laminated and fresh mahogany red. I hadn't adjusted to it after my dog ran into it as the trash guy came to do his job. Don't get me wrong, I love Zeus but he was a bit short circuited... I rub the Bernese Mountain Dogs' head. He slobbered my hand with a kiss and a wiped it off and took a bite of cereal. I cough up my cereal, which Zeus proudly eats, as the T.V blares an emergency blare. I look at it as it informs me of an asteroid to graze out planet. I drop my spoon, which Zeus begins to gnaw on.

They said we'd be 'un-affected'

They swore it would be a 'graze'

..But lets just say, people can lie...

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