14) Burns

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I walked solemnly, Coal was one of my first close friends. And the first to be exiled. I remembered the night when he took me out to drink to help me feel better. He said we kissed. I was so confused but I learned to go with it after a day or two. I still couldn't believe he would say that to me. My shoes slapping the cobble streets I was as a form of a horse. Trotting down the cobblestone streets, a wagon behind me. I was black. My pelt burning in the sun I sighed. Or neighed. I turned and passed another wagon. A grey speckled horse was trotting, leather patches on the side of its face to keep it looking forward. I trot to Rares' shop. I stop back and shift human, and open the back door.

She was sitting on the couch, Cerberus -her Doberman Pinscher-  ran up and sniffed my legs. I stroked his course fur and sat on her old, bot soft, couch. "Finally got the dollar sign back to an 'S' thanks to Kin and his buddy." She said, flipping a page in her leather-bound journal. "About time, who did it anyway?" I ask, she fills another line or two with a calligraphy pen and stops. setting it down and closing the book she turned her criss-crossed legs and body towards me. "I don't know. But whoever did it is gonna get it." She said, slamming her fist into her hand. Lightening the flat mood. Chuckling I respond. "Very tough. What were you writing, if you want to say that is." She brushes her straight hair with her fingers and shakes her head. "Average dairy stuff. Nothin' special." She says, shrugging. I stand up. "Bye, stop by tomorrow." "M'kay bye."

While  trotting home I look at Rares' sign. A normal 'S' -except for the faintest line- sat upon the sign, picking up my pace a bit a pass her store. I hear commotion so I trot that way, the sun was setting and people were screaming, pointing at the skies. Something so big, it couldn't be a dragon. The black beast was hardly visibly as the sun began to sink further, just when they went out of sight. The moment that happened, a blue glow was forming at their mouths, I stood frozen until I realized it was going to lite. "Run! He's gonna blow!" I scream, people snap out of it and began to go. "Go to the inner wall, hide in my castle!" My place was the only fire-proof place. I begin to face the twenty Star-Blockers.

I was a collection of thoughts, everywhere just drifting. I had defeated 15 but the last five ganged up on me. I no longer felt my hands, it crawled up my arms. It all when up to my torso until I couldn't breathe. But that was okay. I only felt the tinyest bit of my chest, it was shaking.  I was being carried, hadn't I sent everyone off?

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