Smug Lies

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Hey guys! So this is another story that I got the uncontrollable urge to start. It's based on RWBY and my favourite anime of all time, Charlotte. In the show, Yuu Otosaka, the main character, has a secret special ability to take control of people for 5 seconds. In this story, you are a guy who's trying to get into Beacon by taking the Yuu route to get in. Cheating by using your ability. No one knows about it except Ozpin. You're quite the ladies man and even get some fan girls because of how 'amazing' you were in the written exam and entrance exam at Beacon. I suggest that you watch Charlotte before reading this because this will spoil major parts of the show. Enjoy!


It's today. Finally. I can use it. Now all my slaking off coupled with my ultimate success will make me the most popular guy around! I had spent the last month following the smartest students in Signal, learning who knows what and eventually knowing who to do it to. I was walking to the exam when I bumped into the infamous Yang Xiao Long.

Yang: Oh, sorry! Huh? Hey, it's you! Y/N right?

Y/N: Yup, that's me. Where are you headed? Maybe I could give you a hand?

Yang: I'm headed to the exam! I can't be late today!

Y/N: Cool, so am I. You're... not lost right?

Yang: Well... sorta.

Y/N: Then allow me to show you the way. I have mine too so it's no trouble.

Yang: Thanks! I really should've payed attention when they talked about this...

Y/N: No worries, follow me.

I lead her to the room and she thanked me one more time. She seemed so happy. I smirked. It was all working as planned. Get well known as a kind, smart and helpful guy. I took my seat at the back of the room. I was really lucky today. Most of the smart kids were in my class today so I would be able to blast through this in no time flat!

I spent the whole exam looking through the smart kids papers and looking at their answers, copying them down and finishing fairly early. I walked out and waited an hour or so. When the wait was done, we all went to the main hall to look at our results. Everyone passed, but I came out on top. I smirked slightly, but with every comment on my position was said, it grew. I walked away and was about to head home when Yang caught up with me again.

Yang: Hey! Y/N! Wait up!

Y/N: Hey Yang, how are you?

Yang: I'm good, how did you do that!?

Y/N: Do what?

Yang: Get first in the class!

I smiled warmly.

Y/N: Lots of study.

That was a big fat lie, and I felt no shame for it. I was the best, that's all that mattered. I was about to walk off but Yang grabbed my arm, I thought for a moment I felt something crack.

Yang: Wait, what do you say to lunch with me and my sister Ruby?

I smirk.

Y/N: That sounds great, should we go now?

Yang: Yeah, just gotta wait for-

Ruby: Yang! Hey!

Yang: Hey Rubes! Wanna go for lunch with Y/N and I?

Ruby: Hey you're that guy who aced the exam right? Sure I'll come!

I smirk even wider. Even a student 2 years younger than me knew who I was. I was thinking of any other ways to make people love me, when I spotted a truck a ways down the road. 

Y/N: Hey Yang, I'll wait out here with Ruby if you want to go grab your Ember Celica.

Yang: what are you talking about? I have them right-

She raised her hands and noticed she wasn't wearing them. She quickly rushed off to get them. Perfect, now for phase two. I walked to the bench by the curb outside the school next to the street. I sat with Ruby and pretended to get a call. I walked off to a place no one would would see me and used my semblance on the driver. My eyes glowed yellow and the truck swerved into where Ruby was. I caught her off guard and she didn't have time to use her semblance of her weapon. Before it hit her, I dove in front of the truck throwing Ruby out of the way and getting away myself.

The truck crashed into the bench and wall behind it, the impact making a large dent in the wall but not a hole. I reached out to Ruby offering my hand. She took it and shakily stood up. I saw she was still scared because of what just happened so I pulled her into a hug to comfort her. To be totally honest, that was way to close for comfort. Ruby would've been just fine, but I was a little too close. Yang came rushing over to where the truck had crashed to try and find us.

Yang: Ruby! Y/N!

Ruby: Yang!

Yang rushed up to Ruby and they hugged each other tightly.

Yang: Ruby! What happened?

Ruby: I don't know, Y/N went to take a call and a truck almost hit me.

Y/N: I had to take a call, right after I picked up I noticed the driver fell asleep at the wheel. I just barely made it in time to throw Ruby out of the way.

Yang hugged me tightly.

Yang: Thank you! Thank you so much! 

Y/N: It's no problem. You two should go home and rest. I'd love to go for lunch, but I feel like you should have some time to yourselves.

Yang: Thanks Y/N.

I turn and walk off giving a small wave and smile to them as I leave. As I turn back to where I was going, I grinned widely and thought about my success's today. Helped Yang find the class, aced the test, got offered to go out for lunch and saved Yang's sister. 

Y/N: Things are looking up.

Ozpin's POV

I looked through the camera feed I was given of Y/N L/N, and sure enough I was right. He had some secret that I couldn't quite figure out, but I knew I would know soon. Once the entrance exam was done, I'd know. If he had what I thought, we would need him. If not, we'd expose him as a lier and cheater.


Hey! So that was chapter one! I will be focused on this for a little while so it can catch up with my Dark Souls and Iron Man stories. Next chapter is him exposed and the Beacon entrance exam. He will be on a team alone because of Ozpin knowing his secret. Find out next time how he's exposed. Signing off!


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