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Hey guys! So I'm back for this story and I decided to change the story a bit, by which I mean completely chnagingeverything. I'm the author and I can do that! Right? Anyways! I'm rushing to this much earlier than I thought, but I couldn't come up with anything else really. So this is a quick setup for a later chapter and then the only episode in an anime that made me cry. Enjoy!


Nao: I'm Nao Tomori, I'd like to talk with you.

Y/N: Talk about what?

Nao: I'll get straight to it. I need you to come with me to meet some people.

Y/N: What's this about?

Nao: Your semblance.

Y/N: My semblance?

Nao: Yes, your ability to take semblances. Do you know what a semblance is?

Y/N: Yeah, who doesn't. It's an ability unlocked by our Aura.

Nao: Yes, but did you know that they're exclusive to kids like you and me?

Y/N: Huh? But I've seen plenty of adults with them.

Nao: That's just them using tech that replicates them. You've seen for yourself that having a semblance in a non living object is possible.

Y/N: Wait! What does this have to do with me!? 

Nao: Well-

Nao was cut off by an explosion. We rushed to the cliff side and saw a pillar of smoke coming from... Signal!?

Y/N: That's from Signal! 

I jumped off the cliff and used one of the semblances I had acquired before to shift the rock in the cliff to launch me at incredible speed towards Signal. After a minute of gliding down to the school, I landed using another semblance to soften the landing. I run to the school and see a few students and teachers running out away from a collapsed part of the school. I saw a girl with purple hair running away from it and heard one of the teachers looking around frantically for something. Or someone.

I quickly noticed that Ayumi nowhere in sight. Then the teacher from before started calling out for her. My heart stopped. No. It couldn't be... there's no way she...

Y/N: Ayumi...

Qrow: Huh? Y/N?


I rushed towards the rubble as I dug at it trying to find something. I really hoped that when I was done, nothing would be there.

Qrow: Don't! You'll get roped into it!

I ignored him as I continued digging, before a large chunk of rubble fell and landed on me, giving no time to react. After that, everything went black.

Ruby's POV

The team and I were racing to the hospital in Vale. We heard that part of Signal collapsed and Y/N was there. From what we knew, he tried digging something out of the rubble and a piece of a wall fell on him. We had just arrived and were quickly told where Y/N was. As we got to his room, we say some people rush in.

They were talking to Y/N inside and the police were asking him about what he knew of what happened. We all walked in and saw Y/N starring wide eyed at the wall. He had the look of someone who just had everything taken from them in an instant. The detective walked out and the doctors walked up to us.

Doctor: He's suffered a great deal. He made need a while to process everything.

We walked in and Y/N didn't even acknowledge our existence. He just kept starring at the other end of the room. His arms and head were bandaged and he was hooked up to all sorts of machines. 

Control (Charlotte - RWBY Crossover) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now