Chapter 1

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Waking up at the crack of dusk is rather frustrating, but I’d rather not receive a punishment because I was late to my list of work to do. I sighed as I pulled the thin blanket off of myself and began to change into a new pair of clothing, practically the same outfit I wore yesterday which was dark navy green jacket with a black t-shirt and dark brown pants. I thanked the gods that they didn’t have a dress code to work, you could wear whatever you found comfortable. I guess they somewhat treated humans fairly, but I am not human. I may have to be in my human form for the rest of my life if I am not able to escape this place and live in the wilderness where I can let my animal side be free. I miss running through the woods, the feeling of freedom and peace...That was so long ago I have forgotten what it was like to truly laugh. The sudden opening of the door made me jolt right out of my train of thought. It was the manager of us slaves, he definitely wasn’t fun to be around at. His bony and rather skinny figure was underestimated, he was quite strong. Then again, he was a vampire and they had all sorts of supernatural powers. He grabbed me by the back of the neck and shoved me out the door and kicked me down the hallway. I can do nothing but take it, restraining the wolf that practically begged to form and tear him into pieces. I never got any of the vampire names cause they tell me that I am a ‘lesser’ to them and I don’t even have that privilege, I must call them ‘sir’ or ‘m’lady’ It gives me so much hatred. I walk up the stairs to the main hallway of the castle, getting looks that I had grown numb too, I walk up the stairs to only getting my back smashed into the stones as a group of highly ranked vampires walked down, including the king, Takeshi. He then notices me and his stare bore right into me and I had to look away and make it as respectfull as possible if I didn’t want my blood be drank right out of me. I wait till they are no longer in sight when I continue my way up to the rooms of the royal family. There I began to collect all the dirty clothing and sheets of their beds. It’s my job. I have to rewash their clothing and bed sheets everyday and have to put them back on their beds before the morning rise. I began to work frequently collecting them all until I reached a particular room that was completely messy but it was all childish and girly things for a toddler or something. I had no idea that their was a child, probably the heir to the throne. As I began to collect the bed sheets, I hear a tiny and rather young feminine voice which made me turn and I couldn’t help pick out that this was the girl’s room. “Hey, what’re you doing in my room? I told Takeshi that I didn’t want anybody in my room!” She seemed to be throwing a tantrum like she was a spoiled brat or something. It was full on spoiled rotten royalty which made me snort in derision at the young vampire child. “Kid, I’m just doing my job here. If you want dirty laundry, you’re making less work for me which is fine by me.” I said as I drop the bundled up sheets and clothes, I hear a soft thud which made me look down and see a knife that was carved with writings in which I couldn’t understand. The panicked look in the child’s eyes made me think that it wasn’t hers. I quickly snatch it up and put it into my pocket before sighing. “Give it back you wretched human!” Her bitter words only made me sigh and shake my head. “Shut up kid, who did it belong too?” I asked giving her a rather narrow and strict look, the girl drop her head and begin to rub her arm. She wasn’t responding and she was consuming my working time, I scoffed and began to pick up her dirty laundry again. “Very well, I’ll take this up with the king and see how he feels!” I snapped as I began to take my leave, I could hear her sprint torwards me and grab the side of my arm. “Okay! Okay! You win measly human!” She said with a worried look in her eyes. I knew instinctively that she was going to be in trouble. I sighed tiredly and looked down at her more calmly then before. “Who does it belong to?” I repeated the creature. The girl just blinked at me before dropping her head. “It belongs to Takeshi, I just wanted to play a game with it or use it for protection when I go out to the backyard. Takeshi told me that he used that knife to slice the throats of werewolves.” The very story made my gut twist up with disgust and hate but I manage to keep a level head before dropping the laundry next to the door and made my way out. “Where are you going human!?” The child exclaimed, being called human made me so upset and I loathed the name not. I couldn’t believe that my kind had fought for the species which caused our own demise. “My name is Ruuza, vampire! Shut it and follow me, accept the fact that you got caught with some dignity. You are royalty no doubt, you probably won’t even get harsh punishment.” I turned and glowered over her, seeing the slight flicker of fear brought a whole reel of satisfaction through me as I took in the moment before deciding to cool down. I decided not to grab her and assumed my snappy tone made her stubbornly follow me. “Where would Takeshi normally be at this hour?” I asked calmly, turning to look down at her, slightly surprised that she had followed me. “Takeshi...ummm...Most likely the throne room talking to his disgusting groupies or making his way with them...” The girl wrinkled her nose and let out a gag which I couldn’t help but chuckle to. I gave her a small smile which she was shocked to see as if she had never seen a ‘human’ smile before. “I take it you don’t like what he does nowadays...” I replied seeing her face twist with disgust and anger. I was surprised a vampire as young as her disliked her king, especially the fact that she was royalty. “Takeshi is not what he once was, He was such a great vampire, leading with pride, and making even the council somewhat fear him. He lead because he knew what was best for us all both human and vampire...Now, its just disgusting what he has become...My name is Chie by the way.” I was definitely surprised that she wanted to share her name with me. I couldn’t help it but seriously smiling kindly at her. “Thats a nice name. Has a nice ring to it.” I said as we walked down the hall together, every slave that we walked past bowed to the child. How was she apart of the royal family? As we turned to the throne room, I was stopped by the two guards protecting the doorway. Chie quickly turned and pushed their swords away. “Stop it guys, Ruuza- I mean...this human has something she needs to tell the king.” The guards looked at me with complete distrust and I just looked away knowing I could have a sword stabbed right through me with no problem once so ever. They finally allowed me through the door way and I winced remembering the last time I was here. I was being tested. At the king’s chair, Takeshi was talking with a group of young teenaged vampires as he only looked like he was in his 20s but I knew better than that to believe that he was that age. He narrowed his eyes coldly at the two of us. I only dropped down to my knee and bowed while Chie simply pulled the knife out of my pocket and I couldn’t do anything but wait to see what she would say. Takeshi flicked his wrist and in a matter of seconds it was just me, Chie, and the king. “Takeshi, I- I uhh stole your knife from your room.” Chie said which shocked me that she hadn’t put the blame on me and I couldn’t help but feel slightly proud that I managed to convince her to be honest. Takeshi slowly took the knife from Chie’s tiny hands gently and sighed before looking at me and I focused my stare to the floor. “How did it end up in her pocket then?” Sounding unconvinced at Chie’s words. I gulped and looked down at the stone tiled floor afraid of what would happen to me if Takeshi wasn’t convinced by Chie. I would be a goner for sure. Too my surprise though, Chie was persistent in doing the right thing. “My king, she was going to do my laundry and the knife dropped out, she persisted to figure out how I got it. She is an odd one but I like her. She has a sort of brains that most of these humans don’t have.” She exclaimed, glaring at the king dead straight in the eye. Takeshi turned from looking at me before staring at Chie. He held it for a long moment before blinking distantly. “I’ll talk to you in a bit, I’d like to speak to this human alone.” He said with a blank and emotionless tone of voice. Chie glanced a concerned and scared look torwards me as I kept myself knelt. She slowly and quietly made her way past me mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ before leaving. Making the throne room empty with just me and Takeshi. The king rose himself from the throne chair and walked over to me, glancing around the area before gently using his fingers and quiet strongly rose me up onto my feet. Takeshi’s pale red eyes bore into my own, why always that look at me? Did he have suspicious about me? I stood there keeping my head down before he used his hand to make me look into his eyes again. “How did you manage to persuade my sister like that?” He asked, his gaze never leaving mine. It was like a snake, coiling my very being into never leaving his gaze. “My lord, I just kind of...snapped and her and told her that I would tell you...” I stammered the words afraid that he would strike me down but to my surprise, a weak and rather amused smile had carved on his face. “I have been trying to get Chie to listen to me for years and the moment she meets you, she completely listens to you...Interesting...” His look drifted as I could tell that he had gone into deep thought. I widened my eyes afraid for my own life, I took a step backward. “My lord, I never meant to do anything harmful! I just wanted her to do the right thing!” I was suddenly grabbed, his grip and strength was surprising as he pushed me forward so close that I could smell his scent. Takeshi looked at me up and down as if examining like I was something he had never seen before. All of a sudden, he stared into my eyes and took in a deep breath. I almost began to think that he was breathing in my scent before he lightly pushed me away from him. “Whats your name?” He asked. I almost felt insulted that he didn’t remember me because he had been at my judgment but I let it slide like I did for most things. “Ruuza my lord.” I responded before hearing him repeat it under his breath. :: What is with this guy? :: I thought before widening my eyes in shock at his next words. “I am rising you in the ranks. You will be Chie’s personal human. You will never leave her side, you will speak your mind, you will protect her...But you are not allowed to lay a finger on my sister or I will suck the very blood out of you and let my dogs eat you limb to limb. Do I make myself clear Ruuza?” He questioned with a very cold and serious voice. I was so terrified for my life and the way Takeshi was treating me, I rapidly nodded my head, repetitively saying. “Yes! Yes my lord!”

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