Chapter 2

42 2 2

15th of August, 2014

Dear diary,

Something weird happened in biology class today. Our teacher was nice, today's subject was interesting, but... Something happened. I'll try to explain the situation the best I could:

I and Lenore entered the class. There were approximately 15 students in total. I knew all of them by name and knew which classes they belonged to. In my school, all the eighth-graders are divided into six classes - from 8A to 8F. My class was 8B. In the biology group, there were four people from my class - Me, Lenore, Flynn, and Milo. If I had to describe Flynn with one word, that could be "jock". And for Milo, it would be "jolly". They're kinda okay compared to other boys in my class. You'll know more about my class later, but now I'll focus on what happened today.

So... Everyone picked their seats and the class started. I started observing the people around us. Arden and Fleur were sitting right behind us. They're known as the "power couple" of our school. Always together, and always making out in the hallways. And in class. Eww. In the middle of the class sat Gianna and Ivy. They belong to this popular girl squad in our school. One word to describe them both is "bitches". Oh god how I hate them. Four girls from 8E sit in front of them - Mai, Shadia, Rhonda, and Rosalee. They're okay - kinda quiet (just like me) and pay attention in class. They cause no harm to anyone. Then the left side of the class. Flynn and Milo sit in the front, and behind them are two boys from class 8E - Quinton and Levi. Quinton is that kind of person that everyone wants to be friends with. He cracks silly jokes all the time and is friendly to everyone. But Levi... I didn't know much about him. I knew his name and that his class was 8E, but nothing more. That was because I've never paid any attention to him. Until today...

When I was observing the classmates, I caught Levi staring at me. He sits on the opposite side of the class, and there were people sitting in the middle of the class. But he still stared at me. I quickly turned away and started wondering what the heck just happened. Did he just look at me? Why would he do that? Or was he, perhaps, looking at Lenore? It must've been so. Because I was unsure whether Levi ACTUALLY looked at me or not, I wanted to try again. I waited a few minutes and then turned around a little. He wasn't looking at me. Thank god. I thought that now I could continue the lesson normally.

I didn't look at Levi anymore. I had come to a conclusion that it was just an accident when our eyes met. It was nothing personal. I kept focusing on coloring my notes and listening to our teacher.

"Avi!" Lenore whispered.


"You see that boy in the left corner of the class?"


"He's staring at us"

"Really?" I turned over quickly and it happened again. An eye contact which lasted for less than a second. Turn around. Look at Lenore's amazed face.

"See? He's been staring at us the whole time!"

"Maybe he'll quit if we ignore him," I said after a short break. I felt my cheeks burning and turning red. There's no way that I've had an eye contact with a boy, TWICE, in only about ten minutes. This can't be coincidence, can it?

"Yep. He's not worth our time" Lenore answered and rolled her eyes. She immediately stopped caring about "our stalker". But I couldn't. Every now and then I looked at Levi. He looked at me, too. Our eyes met more than 5 times. Every time that we had a quick eye contact, my heart started beating too fast and my hands became sweaty. I wonder how red my cheeks were at that moment. Our class ended and I felt relieved. I literally ran to the closest bathroom and sat there for the whole break, trying to calm down and figure out what just happened.

A boy was looking at me. More than once. He didn't look angry, surprised or anything like that - he looked calm. There weren't any specific expressions on his face. He just stared at me, and then continued whatever he was doing. I wonder why he was like that - did he think that I was stalking him and looked at me to see if I was stalking him? Or did he try to have an eye contact with Lenore, but got it with me instead? I don't know. My head feels heavy and I feel like I'm having a fever. I hope that tomorrow will be a normal day at school.

Whoops, I think I just wrote a bit too detailed description of today... I think I need to buy a new diary soon.

Aviana Driscoll

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