Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Happy Birthday Greylin! You're finally old enough to have a status."

A smile formed on Greylin's face as he looked toward his father to reply, "Thanks, Dad!"

"Yeah, brother can become an adventurer finally. Like Mom and Dad." Greylin's sister exclaimed.

"Yeah and when you are old enough, we can finally start a clan like we promised each other. Something better than any other group in the world!" Greylin shouted.

"You and I can take on the world! Brave through all the dangers together." Greylin hugged his sister.

"Hehe yeah. Thanks, brother. When I'm old enough for my status I can be big brothers shield." She turned her face away, hiding the slight blush rising to her face after she realized what she spoke.

"I am confident that the day you grow up you will be able to protect your brother. Also know you will do the same for your sister, Greylin!" his father said with a confident tone. "Sara while your brother is out there, keep striving to become strong." Their mother watched over them with a gentle smile. "Well now let's dig into some food. Greylin's got a big day tomorrow, he's going into the Guild to gain his class." their father stated, after which they all sat down and enjoyed their feast.

As the moon rose into the night Greylin's parents were discussing in hushed voices as they stood outside.

"Do you believe that he is ready to start as an adventurer?" His mother asked her partner .

"Yes Dawn, he has your intelligence, and with that alone like he could conquer the world! Haha," he assured her.

"Well as a mother I will always worry about my children. Even more so when they are out there in the world alone..." Dawn worriedly told her husband. "Well with all his studying and help from you and I, believe in our child. I can even believe that when he gets his class, he will be a Cleric like his mom. If that happens and he can come to make friends even I won't worry so much." he smiled looking at Dawn. "But to ease your worry, I'll follow behind Greylin on his way to town, to make sure everything will be okay. Fret not!"

Dawn lips formed a wry smile on her face but then shook her head, "Yeah, you might be right. I know our child will be something great. With your blood flowing through him he might be as amazing as you."

As the sun rose in the east a new day was starting, Greylin was already getting dressed to head into town. After the young man got dressed, he tidied up his room and went into the kitchen to get breakfast.

"Good Morning son." Greylin's father addressed him with his arms wide to hug him.

"Hey, Dad!" Greylin hugged his father.

"I am going to grab a bite to eat and head into town. Wish me luck everyone!" Greylin shouted as he went out the front door. Grabbing some food on his way out Sara came into his field of view.

"Big Brother!" she dropped her bucket of water and ran up to him to hug him.

"You are about to head into town and find out your class right?" she asked.

"Yes, Sara I am. It may take awhile so don't wait up for me; I'll be back later tonight." he patted her shoulder and smiled as he walked off.

"Good luck! I know you'll be something awesome." Sara yelled out to her brother. As Greylin left her vision, "One day when I'm old enough I'll be able to walk down the same road as you.." Sara looked down as her eyes became a little hazy. She picked up the bucket of water and brought it back into the house.

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