6. Names?

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"So Zaha-Zayn is your roommate?" Louis asks. Harry nods in response.

"And he doesn't remember you or his past life?" Harry nods, again.

"And you're befriending him to get close to him first?" Harry nods again.

"Harry" Louis sighs. "Do you really think he is your Zahan? I mean, it could be coincidence." Louis whispers, making sure none of their classmates are hearing their conversation.

"It is not a coincidence Louis. I know he is my Zahan. And I will make him remember." Harry smiles at his friend and Louis knows instantly, there's no room for him to argue. He sighs and pats his friend's under the desk with a little smile.

He has never seen Harry smiling so much in his 118 years of existence.

"Just...just don't get hurt okay?" Harry nods with a smile as the preofessor walks in the class.


"Oh, I forgot to tell you that my roommate is a dick. Even more than the one in Standford." Louis huffs as they start walking down the hallway.

"You're unlucky when it comes to roommate thing, mate." Harry chuckles.

"Can't even argue on that." Louis sighs dramatically making Harry roll his eyes.

"But what happened this time?" Harry asks.

"He stole my baby carrots." Louis frowns and Harry laughs.

"God, you and your love for carrots." Harry shakes his head.

"Don't act like you wouldn't feel the same way if someone had stolen your coffee." Louis rolls his eyes and a pink hue covered Harry's cheek, thinking about today's morning.

He thinks about the way Zayn's fingers touched his while taking the coffee from his left hand. How he felt those tingling sensation on his fingertips after that. He thinks about the grateful smile Zayn gave him at the entrance of the University afterwards and how he mumbled a small "Thanks, man" rushing to his Psychology class.

Harry smiles to himself thinking about all of it.

"And there he is, my dick of a roommate, Mr. Ethan Fucking Carrot Thief Dolan" Louis mumbles, bringing Harry out of his trance. He looks at where Louis is pointing and frowns when he see two boys coming towards them.

They look identical.

"Which one?" Harry whisperes to his friend. "They look identical. Are they twins?"

"The one with the purple streak. And yeah, they are twins. I didn't know he had a brother until last night the other one showed up in our dorm. But Grayson is not like his brother at all. He is so sweet. I wonder how they are twins even." Louis rolls his eye at the last sentence.

"Hey Lewis, what are you rolling your eyes at, babe?" The one with the purple streak asks and Harry tries to hide his laughter because damn, if there's anything that annoys his bestfriend the most, it's people misspelling his name.

"It's Louis, asshole!" Louis snaps.

"Aw, but I love Lewis  better." the boy smiles sickenly sweet.

"Whatever you say, Aethan." Louis roll his eyes.

"Aw, already have a nickname for me, babe?" Ethan bats his eyelashes at Louis. "And I haven't even asked you out on a date. You love me that much already?"

And that's when Harry couldn't take it all and starts laughing loudly, the boy, Grayson joins him too.

"You're supposed to be my best friend Hazza. You're supposed to support me not this Carrot Thief." Louis stomps his foot on the ground like a kid making Harry and Grayson laugh more and Ethan smirk.

"I-I am sorry Lou but you two are so funny." Harry says between the laughter.

"See Lewis baby even your friend agrees that we are perfect for each other." Ethan says with a fake smile.

"Okay now enough. I am sorry on behalf of my brother, Louis." Grayson tells Louis as he starts pulling Ethan by his arms. He looks at Harry apologetically when Louis huffs in response. Harry just waves his hand in air as 'Don't worry about it.'. Grayson smiles at him before pulling Ethan.

"and you, my brother, you are coming with me." Grayson says as he starts pulling Ethan towards their classroom.

"Wait, no Grayson. I still have to decise a ship name for us." it's the last thing that Harry and Louis hears before Grayson pulls his brother inside of a classroom.

"That was so funny." Harry laughs.

"Why I am so unlucky!!!" Louis cries.

"I don't know Lewis." Harry chuckles.

"Ugh, kill me please." Louis groans looking up at the ceiling .

"You are already dead, mate." Harry pats his shoulder.

Louis could only huff.


"Hey, how was your day?" Zayn asks him when Harry steps out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel around his waist and another one over his shoulders. From his still wet hair, Zayn could say that he has just taken a shower.

He tries not to notice the laurels on the curly haired lad's waist or the butterfly tattoo he just saw on his chest. And that's what confused Zayn the most. Is it weird that he found them beautiful?

"It was good. Learned about some new theorems. How was yours?" Harry asks, making his way towards their closet.

Zayn turns his face away when he sees Harry taking his sweats and t-shirt out of the closet. He wonders how many more tattoos he has and moreover, where he has them.

His face flushed at the thought.

"It was good and tiring. Learned some new things. Then had this study session with the lads." Zayn says as a fully dressed Harry comes and sits on his own bed, facing him.

"That's great." Harry smiles.

"Yeah." Zayn agrees. "I am gonna go, freshen up a bit."

Harry nods.

Zayn gets up from his bed and walks toward the bathroom.

When he hears Zayn locking the bathroom door, Harry quickly takes out his drawing of Zahan under the pillow.

He smiles at the picture.

"I forgot to tell you but I like this new name of yours. Zayn." Harry whispers to the picture before hugging it to his chest.

He quickly put the picture back under the pillow when he hears the bathroom door unlock.

He smiles, seeing Zayn walking out of the bathroom and making his way towards the window. He looks so soft in his track pants and a worn out t-shirt, Harry thinks. His Non-existence-heart flutters when he sees Zayn closing the curtains.

"Thanks." Harry mumbles looking at Zayn.

"No problem." Zayn turns back to him and returns the smile. "But make sure to set your alarm, yeah?"

Harry nods before taking out his phone and quickly sets the alarm.

Zayn smiles and comes back to his bed.

"Goodnight Harry." Zayn yawns softly before laying down and turning off the lights.

He doesn't wait for Harry's response though. He's too tired after all the classes then the 4hours long group study session he had with his friends. As his head hits the pillow, he's out like a light.

"Goodnight Zayn." Harry whispers softy in the dark before sleep takes over him as well.

Because Pushpa loves Grethan.

I love/loce you all. xxx

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