23. Connection?!

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"Zayn, try talking to him again." Louis says impatiently.

"I'm trying Louis, but-but it's not working." Zayn groans sitting on his bed.

They have been trying to talk to Harry through Zayn's mind connection but nothing's working. They have been at it for an hour now, but still nothing could be heard. Louis is getting inpatient while Zayn is slowly losing hope.

"That's because you've not been trying enough." Louis snaps making Zayn angry.

"Do you think I am enjoying this all?" He says looking at Louis angrily who is standing in front of him.

"Do you think I don't want to find him? Do you think I am happy not knowing how is he? If he is okay. If he's hurting?" Zayn snaps. His voice getting weak at the end. Louis' face softens.

"Look." Louis places a hand on Zayn's shoulder. "I am sorry okay? It's just that, I don't know to find Harry and only you are able to connect with him." He takes back his hand as Zayn nods in understatement.

"I get you but I really don't know how to find him. I am sure I heard him earlier but I just can't connect with him. I don't know why." Zayn sighs in defeat. Louis is about to say sonething when they hears someone knocking on his doors.

"Go get it." Louis says before taking a sit on Zayn's bed. Zayn sighs but gets up to open the door.

He didn't expect to see Ethan and Grayson standing at the door with a laptop in Ethan's hand and a book bag on Grayson's shoulder.

"You guys need something?" Zayn asks in confusion.

"You are not able to connect with Harry because you aren't calling him out of love." Grayson says making Zayn's face pale.

How could they possibly know that? They can't know about Harry. Then how could they..

"You're thinking out loud, mate." Ethan chuckles. "And yes, we know something about Harry that you don't. So shall we?"

Zayn nods and steps aside so the twins could enter his room.

"What do you know about Harry, asshole?" Louis glares at Ethan. "Tell me, or else I'll kill you."

"Calm your tits down, Tommo.And let us do our work." Ethan says as he flops down beside Louis on Zayn's bed making the shorter lad roll his eyes.

"But how do you know about Harry? You aren't a vampire. I would have known if you were one?" Louis says but it comes out as a question.

Ethan just rolls his eyes then looks at Zayn who's looking at the three in amusement.

"Zayn, lock the doors." Zayn nods and does as Ethan said then makes his way to Harry's bed where Grayson has already situated himself.

"Gray, help Zayn connecting with Harry while I search him." Ethan tells Grayson who nods in response while Louis just sits there with a constant frown etched on his face, looking at Ethan typing away something on his laptop.

"Don't frown too much Tommo." Ethan says although his eyes are still on the laptop screen. "We'll tell you guys everything eventually." He says making the blue eyed lad glare at him hard.

"Glaring won't do anything either babe. Instead, make a use of your fast speed and bring coffee for us." Ethan smirks when he hears Louis huff. Louis doesn't say anything and in a moment, he's out of the hostel building.

"Better than sitting there with that weirdo bitch." He mumbles to him before flipping his hair sassily and enters the café.

When he comes back, Ethan is still on his laptop while Grayson is telling Zayn something. Louis gives everyone their coffees which earns him two thanks in response. He glares at Ethan who takes it without even thanking him.

'Ungrateful bitch.' Louis thinks.

"Now do as I said. But first, close your eyes Zayn." Grayson's voice brings him out of his thoughts and he focuses on what the younger twin is telling Zayn.

"Think about Harry. The days you've spent with him. The little things about him. And then, try to call him again." Zayn nods.

He close his eyes and think about the day he met Harry. He thought he'd see the day they first met in college. But instead he sees the scenarios he has seen in his dreams earlier.

He sees Liam taking him to a giant mansion and talking about getting a job to a man who seemed like a Governor General in his mid 30s. He sees the man calling for his son who looks exactly like Harry.

"Son, this is Zahan. He is going to take care of you and he's also gonna be your playmate during your vacation. I know you get bored doing nothing in here while I am gone. Besides, I worry about you a lot when I am at work. So, do you have any problem?"

Harry shook his head while smiling. He came forward and stretched out a hand for shake.

"Hello, I am Harry Edward Styles. Nice to meet you."

"Zahan. Nice to meet you too."

Zayn smiles as he get the flashbacks from his dreams - playing in the garden, confessing their love to each other, goofy smiles, comforting hugs, the beatings he took for Harry, him releasing his last breath in Harry's lap - everything.

He then sees him meeting Harry for the second in college, how they bumped into each other in the cafeteria, their ugly fight, him accusing Harry of throwing himself at him, how he was shocked to find that they're roommates, their cuddles, their kisses to their love making.

Then it hits him.

Harry was right.

He really is Zahan.

He did come back for him. 

After 118 years.

Suddenly he wants to cry. He wants to hold Harry. He wants to tell him that he remembers. He remembers them, their love. He wants to tell him that he has finally realized that he was being a fool, that he has always loved him. When he was Zahan and when he is Zayn. He is Harry's and only Harry's.

Zayn feels like he can't breathe until he has his Harry in his arms. He can't let him go, again. He can't wait for another hundred year to tell him that he loves him.

"Harreh" He whispers but he comes out a broken plea.

"Harreh. Please talk to me." He says again in a broken sob.

"Jaan. I am here." A whisper comes and Zayn feels his heart beating faster.

"Haz. I-I remember." Zayn whispers and he feels like, he hears a broken sob.

"Just don't forget me Jaan." Harry whispers and it's like, he's getting tired.

"Harreh? Harreh are you okay? Where are you?" Zayn asks, worried.

"I'm feeling weak." Harry whispers. "I don't know where I am. They blindfolded me while taking me here." He whispers. "But I think, it's-it's a warehouse." He takes a pause. "I love you, Jaan."

"Harre-" but before he could finish, Zayn feels the connection cut.

He opens his eyes only to find another 3 pairs of eyes staring at him.

"What did he say?" Ethan asks.

"Is he okay?" Louis asks.

"Where's he?" Grayson asks.

"He's not okay. He said he don't know the exact location he thinks it's a warehouse." Zayn informs them.

The twins smirk at each other.

"Why are you smirking at each other?" Louis raises an eyebrow.

"Because." Ethan turns to look at him.

"We might know where Harry is."

Sorry for not updating yesterday :(
Was having a headache.

I love/loce you all. xx

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