bike accident

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It was the middle of winter and I had to go to college. I had already missed the last bus because I woke up late. I was late already an hour but I didn't want to miss another one too. So, although outside was really cold and windy and it was possibly raining lightly I decided to go with my bicycle because it was the faster way to get there. I didn't want to walk for at least half an hour so began riding my bicycle there.

The air as well as the rain made it hard for me to see in front of me but I still kept going as faster as I could. Thankfully I wore my rainjacket and I wasn't getting much wet.

A car came out of nowhere and I hadn't the time to see it and hit the left side of my bicycle and throwing me many feet away from my initial spot. I felt immerse pain at my leg and my left and right arm was burning I think there were a lot of scratches there. Thank god I hadn't hit my head at the conflict. I stayed at the ground for a couple of seconds to regain my strength but when I tried to stand up two hands grabbed my shoulders preventing me from doing so.

Apparently the driver and the passenger of the car that hit me was now out of the car. I looked up and met with two male faces. The one looked like he was Asian and the other kinds Australian <<Woah, don't try to stand up yet!>>the Asian guy exclaimed.

<<I'm sooo sorry I hit you , I didn't see you though the rain!! OH MY GOD are you okay?>>the other apologized profusely .

<<I'm okay, I think I need to see a doctor though my leg hurts>> I told them.

<<Come on let's get you to the car and drive you at the clinic it's the least we can do for hitting you>> The Asian guy said and lifted me from the cold ground. They helped me to the passenger seat carefully and The Aussie guy started driving.It was pretty strange that the same guys that hit me were now so helpful.

<<What did you mean drive me to the clinic?>> I broke the silence

<<Well, I'm Michael and this is Luke and we're doctors .We have a clinic not far away from here. It's the least that we can do after all>> he said

<<Wow, I'm Jina and thank you but you didn't have to. You could just drive me to the hospital>>

Luke snorted << And have you waiting for hours? I don't think so. Our shift doesn't start in two hours or so. It's not a problem at all love>>

Then we reached the clinic and they helped me in. The showed me to a room gave me a robe to wear and gave me some privacy. It was a bad luck that I had met such great guys through an accident. My leg throbbed and I sat at a bed waiting for them to come back.

<<Okay , can you tell me where did you hit when you fell?>> Luke asked me

<<Oh, my arms and my left leg>> I said

Luke took a look to my arms while Michael tried touching my leg but I cowered away because it was really hurting right now that the adrenaline wore off.

<<It's okay Jina, I'm not going to hurt you I'm just going to feel around to see where is it broken>> I nodded taking my first position and let him do what he wants. After all they just want to help me, they know better they're doctors. He lightly touched it and pressed at some points that I hissed. Luke was now cleaning the cuts and scratches in my arm and bandaged them. That hurt too, but not as much as my leg.

<<It's definitely broken Jina, but I don't think it will need surgery though>> he explained to me and Luke. W e both were relieved with the answer of Michael. They did an ex ray at my leg witch confirmed Michael's words and then bandaged it carefully and put a cast on it

<<You're good to go Jina>> Luke said when Michael went to take care some paper job.

<<That's my private number , call me when you need anything and... I mean anything >> he said playfully and winked at me before getting out of the room.

Well kinky boy, I thought as I looked at his number once more. I would take the opportunity sometime in the near future I thought. I called my friend Elena to come pick me up from the clinic, said bye and thanks one more time and took of.

What an eventful day, I thought, I'm going to ride the bicycle more ofter when I get out of cruthes from now .

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