doctor contact

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Celia Pov

Fuck, I was so sick right now. I think I overworked myself because with my medical studies and the work at the restaurant I didn't have the time to let my body rest. I went home after work feeling sick and I run to the bathroom vomiting everything I had ate the whole day. My throat was on fire and I couldn't get up from the toilet wall. I couldn't go to the hospital or to an outside clinic so I decided that my last option was to call the sos doctors at home. Thank god they gave us information about this at college and I had another option instead of sitting here waiting miserably to get better.

I called and told them my address and the urgency of the situation and told me that someone would be there in about fifteen minutes. I waited at the cold toilet floor for a knock at the door and finally it heard. I got up slowly, a dizzy feeling making me sway as I was grabbing the wall to keep me up and opened the door. There stood two guys and oh my gosh they looked more than models than doctors. I couldn't imagine what I looked like at that moment but I knew for a fact that I looked like shit.

<<Hey, someone requested a doctor, is it okay if we come in>> the blonde one said

<<Yea, I requested for actually come in have a sit I'm Celia>>

<<Well I'm Luke and this I Calum>> he said as I was gesturing for them to come in and I slowly closed the door. I tried walking to the sitting room but there wasn't any wall to keep me uptight and I swayed again, the dizzying effect never leaving me. Thankfully the blonde one put an arm around my waist and helped me sit at a sofa.

<<Well you look like you need the sit more than us>> the other one said and they both chuckled


<<So what seems to be the problem?>>

<<I , uh have been sick for the whole week but the last couple of days it seems it got worse>>

<<What are your symptoms?>> Luke asked

<<I don't know, I get the chills some times, I threw up a lot yesterday and today  I was dizzy too>>

<<Okay, I'm going to do a quick check up but I think it's the flu>> he said

<<Okay>> I answered and he opened his bag bringing out some stuff. He took my blood pressure which he said was low, listened to my lungs and ears, checked my nose and my mouth and now he checked my temperature.

<<Oh, it,s 40,5 degrees that's not good Celia >> Luke muttered and Calum agreed <<Can you lay down for me? I need to check your stomach>> he ordered politely and I winced, I knew this was gonna hurt. He started pressing in different spots and when he got in the middle of my stomach I groaned in discomfort. <<Please stop >> I said and he looked at me apologetically.

<<It seems that it's a severe case of a stomach flu>> Luke said and Luke and Calum shared a look

<<What, what does that mean?>> I asked concerned

<<It means you have to have a shot and a lot of rest to get better>> Calum said carefully.

<<Oh, that's okay then , I don't have a problem with needles I'm a med student so>>

Relief came in Calums and Lukes faces.

<<thank god, you don't know how many patients have a problem with needles, almost every time we have to keep them steady in order to administer a shot, that's why Calum came>> Luke said and we all laughed

<<No , it's alright, anything in order to get me better>> I smiled weakly

Luke did the shot in my arm and then he ordered me to lay down and brought some blankets over me. Calum placed a bucket next to the couch and a bottle of water with Tylenol in case I feel bad in a couple of hours.

<<You didn't have to take care of me so much, I feel like a baby right now>> I teased when I felt a bile rise to my throat and I turned right at the bucket and threw up again. Ugh my stomach is in so much pain. Calum gave me a couple off tissues to clean up myself as I laid back down again tired of all the vomiting.

<<You seemed like you needed it and we aren't just doctors we're all human beings>> Luke said with a smile as he placed a wet towel in my forehead which brought me instant relief. He checked my temperature again and it had dropped at 38,3 so I was already better.

<<Why didn't you rest earlier and waited to become worse>?>> calum asked intrigued

<<I didn't have had the time, at the morning I have classes and at the evening I work as a server at a restaurant>> I answered truthfully

<<Okay then, we're going to go , get some rest and if you need anything call me that's my private number>> Luke said and winked at me. Well, I am going to call if you insist, I thought smirking to myself.

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