shopping "therapy"

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The song "shape of you" from my alarm woke me up. Wait what? It's Saturday why did I have to wake up this early on a Saturday morning? OOOH RIGHT I had planned to go for shopping with my best friend Sarah today. I lazily got up and put on some ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with my black converse. I did my make up as fast as I could when I heard the door bell ringing. Thank God I wasn't late again. I run to the door and met with Sarah waiting for me with a bright smile.

<<Well hello sunshine! What a wonderful day today don't you think? >>

That was Sarah. The happiest person you will ever meet. We were complete opposites but that's what they say, opposites attract. I would never change my best friend for anyone in the world.

We ended up at the mall, shopping for five hours without a break. I was trying to convince her to take a break for something to drink or eat because I was feeling light headed and tired but she wouldn't hear me out so we kept going and going till she was determined that there was nothing left to see or try on. Well Sarah bought almost everything that was in pull and bear and berhska instead of me that I bought a floral dress and a beautiful golden necklace that had a small owl. I had an obsession with owls really. We were currently sitting on a bench trying to figure out how to move all the things Sarah bought. Sarah decided to call her boyfriend to come pick her up and she told me to come over for some movie but I didn't want to be the third wheel again so I declined the offer. James and Sarah were together for five months. They always try to play match maker and pair me with some of James friends but no one seems to be my type and they all usually want a onetime thing while I'm a relationship kind of girl.

As, I was walking to the bus stop, a wave of tiredness overcame me and I realized that it was five in the evening and I hadn't eaten something for about a day. Well better hurry Ava. I said to myself. The sun was still up the sky, and it was probably around 39 Celsius. After half an hour of walking I realized that I'm lost and will never find the bus stop to take the damn bus and go to my apartment. I didn't even know where I was but I was too tired to notice. Suddenly it became more and more difficult to breathe and my vision got blurrier and I tried finding something to grasp and hold on to but it was no use. I hit the pavement floor hard sending an excruciating pain at the back of my head and then everything got black.

Luke's Pov.

I was walking out of my doctor clinic with my mate Ashton when I spot a girl passed out at the end of the pavement and a small pool of blood near her head. I immediately run to her direction, crouched down trying to find a pulse. Ashton came after me after realizing what had done me to run in the first place.

<< Pulse is high, probably form the pain>>

<<She has hit her head really hard mate>>

<<Help me get her into the clinic>>

We carefully lifted her and carried her into the clinic and placed her on a room on a medical bed. Ashton went to get some supplies from the corner of the room, while I placed my stethoscope on her chest to check her breathing.

<< Breathing shallow and labored, let's get her some oxygen she will probably wake up in a bit>> I told Aston, who immediately placed an oxygen mask on her. She was slightly red in the face like she had burnt from the sun. While Ashton started taking care of her head wound with antiseptics and bandages I placed a thermometer in her mouth and waited for it to pop.

<< Oh my god Ashton it's 42, 2 Celsius I think she passed out from overheating herself >>

<< You are probably right mate, I finished bandaging her head, thank god in wasn't too deep to need stitches, I'll go bring the supplies for an IV to hydrate her>> said Ashton and left hurriedly the room

Avas Pov

I woke up and noticed that I wasn't in the pavement floor anymore. I started panicking when I saw that I was in a white plain room and I didn't remember how I got here

<< Oh hey sweetheart, you're finally awake how are you feeling? >>a voice startled me placing sneakily his fingers on my wrist whistle trying to comfort me. I moved my head following the sound of the voice and winced at the process, my head was throbbing so much.

<<Hey, don't worry, I'm Luke and I'm a doctor. I found you outside the clinic passed out and my friend Ashton and I brought you here to take care of you>>

I met with bright blue eyes and a beautiful face. Am I dreaming? Did I die? This IS HEAVEN right?

<< Hi>> was all I managed to say through my scratched voice. I gave him a small weak smile. He helped me drink some water to speak more properly

<< Thank you for everything, I'm Ava>>

<< W ell Ava don't thank us yet, cause we haven't finished treated you, you gave us quite the scare, you were out for a whole hour? >>

Another voice told me. I assume this is Ashton.I tried sitting up at the bed because I thought it was a little impolite but I met with dizziness and ended up falling down hitting my head with a soft pillow.

<<Whoa sweetheart don't get up yet, you have to rest, do you feel like everything is spinning right now???>> Luke asked me

<<Well that is exactly how I feel>> I exhaled slowly and shakily trying to clear my view.

<<I'm going to shine a light in your eyes okay? >> He said and before I could protest he ended up blinding me with a bright light.

<<Well, you have a small concussion, but nothing too serious I suppose, you were quite dehydrated when we found you and you had overheated yourself, but with a little rest and the IV you're going to be alright>>

<<An IV?? >> I started freaking out at the mention of needles. Well don't get me wrong I'm okay with hot doctors treating me but not to sticking needles into me. I looked and my left arm and tried touching the needle to get it out of me but Luke placed his hand over mine and stopped me from hurting myself.

<<Hey, hey you're fine. The IV was just to get some fluids into your system and to get your temperature down, don't be scared just look at me. >> His comforting words were enough. I stared into his blue eyes and lost there for quite some time. I noticed that Ashton had left the room, and I wondered why. Luke started small conversation asking me things about myself and stuff like that.

<<Why where you out in the first place? >>

<<My friend Sarah dragged me for five hours for "shopping therapy" as she says. I told her to take I a break but she don't ever budge when it comes to shopping>>

<<Hahaha well that reminds me of my friend James, he's always dragging me and Ashton when he wants to take a gift for his girlfriend>>

<< OH, does his girlfriend happen to be named Sarah??>>

<<Well yeah but...>>

<< OH MY GOD, you're one of James friends??>>

<<Yes I am one of his buddies you know him? >>

<<I know him? Sarah is my best friend! >>

<<Whoa, it's a small world after all isn't it>>

<<Indeed Doctor Luke>> I teased him <<They always try to match me up with James friends but I have never met you>> I said trying to flirt. He was a hottie after all

<< That changed today>> he winked and started getting my IV out. I winced at the process but I was feeling a lot better after all. We ended up getting coffee at a local café there to meet, exchanged numbers and he brought me home. I hope he'll ask me out on a date he's such a great guy.

                                    1421 words

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