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He made the mistake of turnin me towards him, so I grabbed his head and bashed it into my knee, then into his stomach and threw him down.

I started to run, but since it was dark, I tripped and fell, then he grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him.

I tried to kick him, but he held my other foot down and just climbed on top of me.

"Let's just get this over with easily huh?", he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice, which only made me freak out even more.

He went to go undo my pants, but then someone's foot collided with his side and he fell off me.

"I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from er!!!", someone gritted as he got ontop of him, grabbin the collar of his shirt then started bashin their hand into his face, nose and mouth.

I took this as my time to get away, so I crawled backwards and put my back up against a tree, hyperventilating and coverin my head as I curled up into a ball rockin back and forth.

"YoU SON OF A BITCH!!", they gritted again, then delivered a few more blows to his face, but I heard him let him go and with a thud he hit the ground.

I was still sobbing and hyperventilating as they came over to me and knelt in front of me.

"Hey easy-easy it's ok, I'm here", he whispered and tried to move my arm away from my face, but I freaked even more mumbling "no,no,no,no,no,no,no" under my breath as I kept rockin back and forth.

"Come on, it's ok, your ok-I got you", he said, then picked me up and I clung to him, sobbin into his shoulder as he carried me back to the camp.

After a few minutes, I heard the music start gettin louder, so I knew we were close.

"Ace!!", he yelled."ACE!!"

"What the fuck's goin on!?", I heard Ace yell back.

"That bastard followed her", he growled, but I could'nt see anythin cause I had my face buried in his shoulder.

"Oh sweetie, are you alright?", I heard Bobby say and put her hand on my back.

"Let's go NOW!!",Ace yelled and everyone started packin up.

"Where's the kid?"

"Knocked out cold in the middle of the woods",Eyeball answered as he set me down.

"Good, the son of a bitch can hike back or get run the fuck over for all I care", Ace growled.

"Scar, baby he did'nt do anything did he?",Eyeball whispered to me as he held my face in between his hands.

Why You? (Eyeball Chambers)Where stories live. Discover now