Chapter 8 - Goodbye

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“Bye boys. Thank you so much for having me,” I was half glad to be leaving seeing as everything that has happened between Robin and I was a lie.

“Cya later, Mi Mi,” Tom said using his cute little nickname for me.

I hugged Tom so tight that I may have squeezed all the air out of him!

“I’m going to miss you so much,” I whispered in his ear.

Tom was really my only close friend out of the boys… Robin I wouldn’t even consider a friend, let alone a girlfriend.

“Final call for flight QF21,” The lady over the speaker called.

“I better go,” I said backing up.

“Wait,” Robin said grabbing my arm, “This is for you.”

He began to clip some kind of necklace around my neck. I looked down and it had a gold ‘R’ on it.

“Thanks,” I said weakly trying to put on a fake smile.

“No worries beautiful,” He began to go in for a kiss but I moved my head so he kissed my cheek instead.

I gave one last smile as I looked over to Tom. Waves were exchanged and I made my way out onto the terminal to go on the plane.

‘Miss You Already L,” I texted Tom.

‘Miss you too. I promise no matter what happens between you and Robin we will always be friends J,’ He replied seconds after.

I sat down in my seat and closed my eyes.


“What happened? How was it? Did you guys do it?” I was getting bombarded with questions from Shania as we made our way to Science.

“It was fine… And no we didn’t do it,” I said fed up.

“Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,”

Thoughts of Robin and my tiredness from only having 6 hours of sleep after getting home from the flight didn’t mix well.

“A lot of shit went down alright,” I said trying to get Shania to back off.

Science was my least favourite subject… Mainly because Tanisha and her friends were in that class. They found every excuse to give me hell.

“So little miss I’m too good for you, decided to show up to class today!” She said under her breath, “Where were you yesterday? With your famous boyfriend?”

“Give it a rest Tanisha. Everyone hates you because you’re a bitch,”

“Oh, so she thinks she’s better than me,” Her and her friends all laugh.

“Get over yourself!” I say walking away from the classroom door.

“Go have a sook!” She called out.

“Miriam, where do you think you’re going?” My science teacher asked me as I passed her.

I continued to walk away ignoring everything she said.

‘Can I call you?’


I pressed on Tom’s contact and it rung once and he answered straight away.

“What’s up girly?”

“Tom… I can’t take it anymore! This whole thing has just gotten the best of me,” I cry down the phone.

“Maybe you should talk to Robin sweetie,” His words calming me.

“I just can’t… I’m afraid,” I take a deep breath in and try to relax.

“Robin can’t hurt you from another state Mi Mi! I think you should just get it over with.”

“I wish you were here right now,” I sighed.

“I wish I was with you, but we can’t do much,” He hummed.

“Well I better go… My science teacher will kill me for not being in class,” I say looking down at my feet.

“Alright sweetie. Please just don’t get too upset. My brothers just another guy! I’m sure you’ll find the right one.”

“Thanks Tom. You always know what to say. Talk later,”

“Bye beautiful.”

I hung up the phone and wiped away the tears that still remained. Walking back to class was such a drag even though I was only about 200 metres away.

“Miss. Robert, where did you get off too,” My science teacher spoke as I sat down.

I didn’t reply. She began to right up a form for a detention… Great! Could life get any worse.


Sorry for such a short chapter! This is just a filler :p 

I promise some juicy stuff will be coming your way xxx

Thanks for the 300+ reads!! 

I love you all so much xxx

Unspoken_Destiny xx

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