Chapter 12 - Going

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I looked deep into Tom’s eyes. The expression on his face was telling me he was waiting for a reply.

“I-I I have go,” I stuttered picking up my belongings and dashing for the door.

I didn’t exactly know what I was doing but I knew I had to get out of there. If Robin found out about us he’d go crazy. I’m sure he’s still pissed off that I broke it off. He’s still trying to convince me that Victoria isn’t with him. Sure I don’t want to be with Robin but I don’t want to ruin Robin and Tom’s relationship just because I got in the way. I care about Tom too much to hurt him like that.


I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. The thoughts running through my mind a million miles an hour. I could hear my phone buzzing from the other side of the room, but it was so faint from all the voices screaming inside my head. I slid out of bed and turned on the bath tap. Throwing my arms around the sink I look up at myself in the mirror. My makeup was all smudged down my face. My curled hair now matted on top of my head and puffy eyes from crying. All this time I’ve only been thinking about how Tom would be feeling now, and my own thoughts were put in the background. I really did like Tom… But it’s just not right.

I submerge my body into the bath full of hot water. I was finally calm and happy. I washed my hair quickly and just laid there and relaxed. It was around 8:30am I was surprised I was up this early.

A knock came to my door.

“Miriam, remember you have to walk to school today,” My mum hollered.

I opened my eyes, “SHIT!”

I completely forgot about that today was a school day. My mum has been working long hours this week so I haven’t seen much of her. The past couple of days walking has been my only way to school. I would usually leave at quarter to nine but I don’t know if I’ll be ready fast enough. I dried myself off and pulled out plain black long sleeved top and some nice tracksuit pants that were tight at the bottom. I went back into the bathroom and just put on some BB cream and mascara and blow dried my hair enough for it to go into a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and then left the house.

It was ten to nine and I was not going to make it to school on time. I just took a deep breath and pulled out my phone. I had 40 texts from Shania, 2 missed calls from Tom, and 15 missed calls from Shania. I began by quickly scrolling through Shania’s texts. The all consisted of her being pissed at me for breaking Tom’s heart and that I knew I loved him. I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket.

When I finally reached school it was five minutes past the bell. I grabbed my books and made my way to Science. As I opened the door Shania and Emma’s eyes lit up. I walked over and plonked myself down next to Shania and huffed. Emma rolled her eyes and turned her back to me.

“Well. Nice for you to rock up Miriam,” My science teacher said in a sarcastic manner.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.  

“What are you doing Miriam!? Shania whispered in my ear.

“I’m here to learn,” I huffed.

“You broke Tom’s heart.”

“It’s not right Shania! Just butt out,” I said, my voice getting louder.

“YOU KNOW YOU LOVE HIM YOU STUPID IDIOT!” Emma yelled at me storming out of the science room.

“Miss. Bourke get back here. Don’t you dare leave my class!” The science teacher yelled chasing after her.

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