Chapter 1

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Can we just fangirl over those holy pictures, the things I'd do to be that cupcake.

WARNING: Age gap, illegal stuff.

Wentworth is your dad's best friend and likes you, but you're oblivious to it.



Continuation of the imagine series, repeat of the beginning for the first 4 chapters.



I sigh in despair as I trudge out of school. Monday, great I have a whole week more of this stupid hellhole to survive. "Bye Y/N." All of my friends bid me their farewells and I leave. Walking slowly away from school I turn into the alleyway Wentworth always parks.

"Hey." I smile jumping into the front seat, he smiles passing me my favourite chocolate bars and crisps. The level of starvation I'm on after school is unbelievable. "How was school?" He asks kissing my cheek. "Same old." I reply munching down on the chocolate.

"You eat like a 2 year old." He laughs at the red lights right outside of my school, he opens his mouth and I let him take a bite of my chocolate. I click the button and the car turns convertible. "Last time I checked, I was 16 Went." I groan and he smirks. "Whatever you say Y/N." And with that I smack the radio on full volume.

"Still no word from your dad?" He asks concerned. "No, zilch. I don't care anymore to be honest." I answer, my dad left for some work meaning Wentworth's in charge of me. It's been 3 weeks. He was supposed to be gone 2 days. I always knew my dads work wasn't legit but 3 weeks, he's really testing the limits this time.

"Come here." He pulls me in for a hug and I smile. "You smell nice." I laugh and he laughs too. "Careful Y/N, or I'll think you're flirting." He smirks and I fake punch him. "Drive old man." I laugh and he rolls his eyes. "You're 16, I'm 29, that is not old darling." He explains and I ignore him looking out the window at my maths teacher.

"Why's he staring?" I ask and he shrugs. "Weirdo." He speaks and I laugh. "I'm surrounded by a lot of them." I joke pointing at him and he lunges towards me. Tickling the life out of me. "It's a green light." I scream in between laughs and he groans. "Saved by the light Y/N." He laughs and I flick him off.

The day was pretty good, Wentworth knew I was upset and I needed to buy a few things anyways, my dad hadn't been replying to my calls but was transferring me money more than usual. So here I am, shopping with Wentworth.

"Lingerie." I speak, mocking the models accent and he laughs. "You know, you should get a girlfriend soon. Or you'll end up miserable like my dad." I speak factually while skimming through some lacy panties, and he smirks. "Are you concerned about my love life Y/N, that's sweet." He awes me dramatically and I roll my eyes. "Now that we're talking, there is this one girl, it's just, I need to wait a while." He explains vaguely and I shift my full undivided attention to him.

"She won't wait around forever, you should ask her out, or do something." I talk and he shrugs. "Come on, love guru, all these hot models are getting me hot and bothered." He jokes and I fake gag. Walking up to the counter to pay.


At school

I'd just been pulled apart by teachers. I was in a vicious fight because some random girl thought it was okay to bully these innocent kids younger than her. Not on my watch. "Y/F/N! Calm down right now!" Teachers shout at me and I carry on kicking and thrashing. I'm lifted in the air by my maths teacher.

What is wrong with that loser, he has some weird obsession with me. As I'm carried away by teachers all of my mates cheer. I obviously won that fight. "I'll get you after school bitch, just watch." I shout at the top of my lungs.

After some lengthy questioning, my maths teacher starts to get personal. "Who was the man I saw you with yesterday after school?" He asks. "Last time I checked, he has nothing to do with this." I defend and he nods his head. "You seemed very close." He speaks. "Ya, we are." I smile back sarcastically and he nods again. This idiot, I'll bop his head off in a second.

"How old is he?" He asks. "What's it to you man? Bare nosey. Your jobs to teach maths, you're pretty shit too." I snort and he sighs. "The mans my uncle." I finally answer and he drops the subject. Went was right, weirdo.

Within minutes Wentworth drives down to the school, he looks a hot mess. "And what happened here?" He yawns tired, when he looks at the ice pack on my knuckles he starts to laugh. "You didn't?" He asks me amused and I nod. "No way." He smirks and I nod. "Y/N, really?" He grins teasingly.

"Yes Wentworth, I had a fight, and knocked a hoe out!" I shout loud enough, so the teachers who are acting like they're not listening but are, can hear clearly. They're all checking Wentworth out it's irritating. The other day I heard them talking about Y/F/N's hot Uncle in the staff room.

Wentworth fists bumps me impressed and I laugh. "That's my girl. I can't wait to tell your dad. I always knew you had it in you." He smiles and I tie my hair up in a ponytail.

My maths teacher walks out of the headteachers office and they both call Went and I in. "This is gunna be interesting." I sigh bored and Went laughs. "You're getting a real kick out of this, aren't you?" I can't help but giggle too. "Reminds me of when I used to get in trouble every week for fighting." He smirks.

The meeting was hilarious, Wentworth had roasted both of them so much I started to cry a bit. The meeting got too long for his liking and he ended it himself. I was cracking up the entire time. "That was badass." I laugh, he shrugs dramatically pulling a cigarette out.

"I was busy, so you'll have to sit in the car while I carry on with work babe." He instructs and I agree. "And you can thank me for getting you a 3 week exclusion. That's a mini holiday." He smirks and I laugh too. "Thank you." I peck his cheek pulling my phone out.

2 hours later

"You took your time." I yawn, getting up and out of my chair. "And you took all of my snacks." He sasses and I snort. "So what. I'm a hungry child." I play innocent and he rolls his eyes.


"Yes Y/N?"

"We should go on holiday." I suggest seriously and he laughs.

"Okay I'll bite, where should we go on holiday Y/N?" He smirks and I think.

"London. You were born in the UK right?" I ask and he nods.

"You did your homework, cute."

"Went, shut up."

"So can we?" I ask hopeful.

"If I take you out of the country, I'm technically kidnapping you because it's without your dads consent, you do realise."

"So you're his best friend. He wouldn't mind." I speak and he nods.


"Are you serious? You'll take me London, like right now?" I ask shocked.

"Well not right now, we'll leave tomorrow evening."

"I love you!" I shout excited and he laughs. I lean forward for a kiss but accidentally brush past his lips, it's fine though because he kisses my cheek instead.

"I love you too Y/N." He sighs starting the car and I spend the entire ride home planning our trip.

PART 2 coming up kids x.

Dads best friend                                              |Wentworth Miller|Where stories live. Discover now