Chapter 19

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Final chapter! I'm so proud of this book!

Next week Monday, is the Epilogue x


"Hey." I greet Wentworth as he finally wakes up. Went looks around the room, re-collecting his memories from last night while he rubs his eyes with the back of his hand. "Hi sweetheart." He yawns and I hand him his breakfast in bed. Or in our case, you could say naked breakfast on couch.

"You cooked this?" Went asks as he eats the food. "Wow." His question is followed by surprise, something I find somewhat offensive.

"I'm a really good cook actually." I defend myself half serious and half joking. "Y/N, I've seen your food, in the bin mans lorry." Went laughs and I gasp also laughing. "You got me there." We both giggle, the moment pure and precious.

"Do you still feel sick?" Wentworth asks and I shrug my shoulders. "I have a few stomach cramps, that's all." I answer truthfully and Went nods along listening. I pass Went his pants as he stands and he smirks noticing my tinier body in his shirt. "Cute." He mimics my voice pecking me on the lips as he finally leaves upstairs.

"Y/N!" Went yells my name and I return after putting his dishes away. Upon returning back to the sofa I notice Went has left his phone downstairs. It buzzes and I lift it up, holding it in my hands. I cross my legs over each other as I unlock the phone, with my fingerprint Wentworth doesn't even know is saved onto the system.

Scrolling through his texts it's a series of condolences from all sorts of people, some even asking how I am, but one text sticks out over all texts. It's Jack.

Asking Went to unblock his number from my phone. Something I'd never done and only leads me to suspect Went would've done.

"Y/N, the shower's getting cold!" Wentworth shouts but I ignore him searching Emma's name up on the screen. Finding some chats I wish I hadn't.

"Y/N!" He calls yet again and in a fit of rage I decide to unblock Jack. My phone buzzing with all his messages I hadn't received. "Go ahead without me. I'm busy!" I shout harsher than intended but Went ignores it, only infuriating me more.

As Went showers I pull a tub of ice cream out and drown my sorrows in food. If the way I got him was through an affair, what's to say he won't start another one while with me, except the woman won't be me.

The same way that they come, that's the way they go!

After showering Went joins me downstairs and I ignore him acting cold. He bends down kissing my neck but I only pull away. Honestly not in the mood. "What's wrong?" Wentworth asks as he tries to pull me into his lap but I only jump off him.

"I'm fine."

Went knows I'm not but doesn't even push the subject, which angers me. "I just think it's funny how..." I start and instantly Wentworth looks at me with a raised brow.

"Jacks number was blocked on my phone and I didn't even block it, tell me you didn't do it, I might even act for the slightest second like I believe you." I snap.

"I did block him." Wentworth admits and my head tilts awaiting an explanation. "He's your ex, why would I want you two to speak to each other?" He carries on and I look to him flabbergasted.

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