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Christopher sat in his designated seat at the dinner table, across from his father and next to Ricky's empty seat. His new mother insisted that they waited for Ricky, but he had no intention of showing his face. His nanny had to stop by on request to calm him down when he began to have a tantrum. Fortunately, he stopped screaming but sadly began crying until his eyes were bloodshot.

Ricky's mom knocked on her son's door just as Christopher had, smiling when she saw him beginning to settle down. She stepped forward to gain his attention, however, this just set him off. Ricky's breathing became rapid and he pulled at his hair, beginning to sniffle and cry again. His mother showed herself out of the room, knowing she was just upsetting him more. Ricky dropped to be laying on his back, reaching out hopelessly for his nanny as he bawled.

Ricky didn't know the real name of his nanny, Matthew, instead, he just called him "Blackbear". This was due to the fact that on their first day together, they saw a bear out of the living room window and then watched a documentary on them. From then on, it was just a playful name that stuck.

"Do you want me to lay with you, babe?" Matthew asked, to which Ricky nodded and moved to the side a bit. Matthew kicked off his sneakers and removed his jacket before slowly sitting. Ricky crawled into his nanny's lap, still crying hysterically.

Despite Ricky's spoiled life, he truly appreciated having someone taking care of him. Matthew understood this too and left himself to the boy's disposal.

Together they rocked and whispered until Ricky was able to sit up straight and not cry for more than a few seconds. That's when Matthew coaxed him to dress, to which Ricky not-surprisingly chose his caregivers sweat-shirt. They walked out to the dining room hand in hand, Ricky's gaze at the floor. They sat down side by side, Ricky's grip getting tighter. Matthew leaned close, whispering soothing words to the one he took care of.

Now that the family was complete, chefs began to carry food to the table. Mister Warner and Ricky's mother ate without hesitation. Christopher picked at a few roasted vegetables, still put off by how badly he upset Ricky. He wasn't eating either until Matthew stepped in and began to spoon mashed potatoes into his mouth for him. Ricky eventually pushed him away though, standing up and leaving the table. Matthew followed a few rooms behind him, wanting to prevent any type of trouble he could get into.

Ricky wandered through his house, trailing his fingers along the wall as he absentmindedly dragged his feet to the basement. It was almost as if he had no say in the way his body moved as he stepped into the pool room and stripped. He had swum naked plenty of times, but mostly only when he couldn't sleep at night. That's when he could be alone and float all he wanted with no interruptions.

"Ricky, please get dressed and come with me," Matthew begged, stepping closer to his living figure of responsibility. Ricky ignored him, stepping over the ledge into the deep end of the water and holding his breath as he forced himself to the tiled floor.

Matthew waited for a minute or so, tapping his foot impatiently as he began to worry. With every air bubble that surfaced, he grew more and more concerned. Hesitantly, he removed his watch and glasses, setting them on a wooden bench along with his pants and sweater.

Part of the reason he was chosen as Ricky's nanny from the sea of traditional candidates was that he was proficient in damage control. It was almost as if he had a sixth sense on how to handle any situation that was thrown at him.

Matthew looked to where Ricky was barely touching the bottom of the pool before diving in head first. He wrapped his arms around the teen's chest, pushing off of the ground quickly in an attempt to get him back to normal breathing. As soon as they hit the air, Ricky began to thrash about, going back into his crying state.

They trod water for a bit, Matthew shushing the other and kissing his head. When Ricky was calm enough to open his eyes, they climbed out into the open room and took towels from a shelf, wrapping themselves tightly.

Together they rushed up to Ricky's bathroom, drawing him a bath and washing him before dressing him in his pajamas and sending him to bed. Ricky loved the way his smooth body slipped over his thousand thread count sheets. He didn't even mind when his short silk gown rode up to barely cover his rear.

"Blackbear, please don't go," Ricky begged, as he clung to his caregiver's arm and flashed his best set of puppy dog eyes. Matthew agreed, telling him to choose a bedtime story as he went for his items he left downstairs. On the way down, he encountered his boss, who was rather worried about her son.

"I didn't think he would be so upset about this." She mumbled. Matthew countered that Ricky was different and there was no way to know how he would react. They both went their separate ways quickly, Ricky's mother walking to her and Brian's room as she let her hair down. She stopped outside of her son's room for a moment, deciding it would be better not to bother him since he was finally happy.

Instead, she peeked into Christopher's new room, seeing him unpacking a bit of clothing and personal items. He hummed a song quietly and bobbed his head while opening his bed and setting a Slipknot pillow in front of the other cushions. It was his former boyfriends and he just never got around to mailing it back.

"I'm glad you don't hate me." Ricky's mother spoke up as she stepped forward to her new son and gave him a gentle hug, pulling away to run a hand through his dark hair.

Unfortunately, Christopher did hate her ever so slightly. He was displeased with the way she handled her child's feeling as if they were nonexistent when he knew that he would be able to take care of Ricky far better than she could if only he would give him a chance.

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