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Ricky spent a few days limping, making the excuse that he hurt his hip when they last went for a walk.  Matthew had gone home for a long weekend, needing a break from Ricky and the circumstances surrounding the latest clash.

Matthew taking a few days off resulted in Chris becoming Ricky's primary caregiver, though. While Matthew wouldn't approve of the situation, Ricky thought he was doing a good job.  He made Ricky snacks and helped him with activities, even carrying him to the bathroom when he was too tired to get out of bed on his own.

They did a bit of swimming, Ricky finding a new dislike for hot tub bubblers since they felt an awful lot like a vibrator against his bum and it brought back the bad memories of the incident.

Chris had just finished making chocolate chip cookies for Ricky when a gardener knocked on the front door, the mail having been delivered. Amongst the letters was a box wrapped in brown paper.  Chris thanked the gardener and brought the mail to the kitchen, giving Ricky the box before he finished plating the cookies.

"What is it?" Ricky asked, starting to peel away the wrapping.  Underneath was purple box printed with little gold stars.

"It's an apology gift." Chris shrugged, letting Ricky take a cookie even though he hadn't had lunch yet.

Ricky slowly opened the box, pulling out one of the pairs of panties first. They were silky and had lace trim, the second pair he pulled out being a sturdy thong with cinchable hip straps.

"Thank you for getting me cute things..." Ricky whispered, digging further into the box and finding a one-piece that was the perfect shade of pink.

"Oh my gosh!" He gasped. Ricky wasted no time stripping out of long sleeve shirt and jean skirt, changing into the lace onesie right there in the kitchen.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Ricky ran around the island and jumped into Chris' arms, so happy with the garment.

"How about we go upstairs." Chris suggested, gathering the box and Ricky's clothes.  Ricky agreed and they left the kitchen, Chris shutting them in Ricky's room.

Ricky bounced on the bed a bit, loving the way the flouncy hip panels fell on his skin.  What he didn't notice about the onesie was the slit that rested near his hole.

"Do you wanna see something cool?" Chris asked, reaching into the box and pulling out Ricky's new plug. Ricky nodded and let Chris guided him up onto his knees.  Chris lubed the plug up and pressed it right through the slit into his hole.

"Wait... How did you...? It's not going to get stuck, right?" He asked, gasping when he found the slit.

"It won't get stuck... And now you can play without changing." Chris was twitching a bit in his pants, running his hands over Ricky's squishy little bum.

Ricky laid down on his stomach, enjoying the feeling of the plug as he continued to explore the contents of the box.  He hadn't played in a week and he was excited to have some fun time.

"Will you help with play time?" Ricky wondered, holding up vibrator with a finger loop. Chris agreed, letting Ricky get comfortable while he went to his own room.

Chris got a few condoms, returning to find Ricky already tugging on his plug. Chris helped pull it out, setting it to the side.

"May I touch your private parts?" Chris asked Ricky, who was quick to agree and roll onto his back. Chris shifted the onesie crotch to the side, working a condom onto Ricky before tucking him back under the fabric.

Ricky tugged Chris to lay down, laying on his chest.  Chris got the toy prepared and massaged some lube into Ricky's hole, gently pushing the toy in as far as possible in a single slow but swift motion.  Ricky let out a soft moan, his jaw dropping. 

After Ricky had seen Chris' manhood in all its glory, he couldn't help but have a little fantasy about being filled.

"Can we switch toys...?" Ricky begged.  The big, pink, squishy dildo that sat right at the top of the box was looking awfully attractive now.  Chris let Ricky sit up and let him get the toy out, Ricky accidently grinding on Chris' package in the process.

For the first time, Ricky heard a moan that wasn't his own.  He was a bit surprised, but when he shifted again, he could feel Chris twitching under him.

"Can we play with your toy?" Ricky whispered, feeling down Chris' waist.  What ensued was about 15 minutes of questioning and Chris asking if Ricky was sure.

When they finally came to an agreement, Chris' stripped and sat on the bed, letting Ricky approach him at his own pace.

"Can I touch?" Ricky wondered.  While he had seen his own parts many times, he had never really seen someone else's. Chris allowed him to touch and Ricky immediately started to poke, watching as the weighty shaft bobbed around, always becoming upright again.

Another thing that really stood out to Ricky was Chris' testicles.  Ricky's groin was barely more voluptuous than being completely flat, but he noticed that Chris' bits hung down significantly and they were heavy.

When Ricky was finally done inspecting, Chris slipped on a condom.  He was on the verge of blueballs and desperate for some sort of stimulation.

"Will it fit...?" Ricky wondered.  While Chris was squishier than the previous toys he played with, he was much larger than anything he had in him before.  Chris assured Ricky he'd be okay and reminded him to keep a hand on his shoulder so he could gauge Ricky's discomfort or pleasure through the amount of skin he was loosing to Ricky's nails.

Chris applied a final bit of lube to himself before he helped Ricky up to his tip.  Ricky felt some pressure in his intestines and a little tugging at his hole, but Chris could breathe a sigh of relief because he was finally in.

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