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Matthew had told Missus Olson all about the present and the situation, to which she thanked him and dismissed him.

"Ricky, did Matthew or Chris make you uncomfortable." Ricky shook his head and opened his arms, his mom pulling him into her chest.

"Go upstairs and take a nap." She told him, kissing his forehead and sending him on his way. Ricky complied, happy that he wasn't in trouble. He dragged his feet on the stairs, listening in to the conversation.

"Chris, you're lucky Matthew handled this so well. While I'm fine with Ricky experimenting, but this is something he needs to figure out on his own. He's my son, and... And just allow him the time and resources to figure these things out on his own." She insisted, worried that Ricky was being pressured. She excused herself as she began to cry, upset that her baby was growing up.

Ricky had heard all he needed and ran off to his room. He packed all the items back into the box and put it on the floor, snuggling up to his pillows. As expected, his mother knocked and let herself in, crawling into bed with Ricky and holding him.

"I'm sorry for leaving, hunny." She whispered. Ricky let her know it was all okay, eventually falling asleep against her.

When Ricky woke up, he could hear his mother's voice outside his room. He got up slowly, pressing his ear to the door.

"Matthew, I appreciate your concern, but it's okay if Ricky wants to experiment." Missus Olson assured Matthew, who was quick to argue Chris' sexual motives.

Ricky opened his door, stepping out and looking at both his mother and Matthew.

"I'm hungry." He told them. His mother walked off towards her own room, Matthew walking him downstairs.

Matthew made Ricky a quick snack of celery with peanut butter before bringing him to the living room. They sat in silence, Chris eventually coming down.

"Do you wanna come swim with me?" Chris asked Ricky, holding one of Ricky's little bathing suits in his hand.

Ricky shook his head, getting up and heading upstairs, abandoning his snack. He could hear Matthew whisper-yelling at Chris, but he didn't bother to listen. He shut himself in his room, not wanting be stuck in the middle of another argument.

He was beginning to get a bit overwhelmed. Even though he had been mad at Matthew earlier, he wanted his comfort. He wanted to spend some time with Chris, but knew it would start a fight. Worst of all, his mother was acting different now that she was married. And she wasn't even married to someone pleasant.

Ricky crawled into his pile of stuffed animals, sitting on the big teddy bear's lap and weaping into its fluffy chest.

The sound of sniffles filled the hallway, alarming Chris a bit. He knocked gently on Ricky's door, the crying stopping. He just barely heard Ricky tell him to come in.

Ricky's eyes were puffy and red, his little night gown all crumpled under him. His hair was knotted too, and all factors combined, Chris could see clearly why Ricky needed Matthew.

Chris didn't say a word. He took Ricky's hairbrush off his night and sat on the floor behind him, carefully working all the knots out. By the time Ricky's hair was back to it's usual, silky state, he had fully calmed down.

"Let me get you some ice for your eyes." Chris told him, standing up. Ricky lifted his hand to Chris, who helped him stand. Ricky continued to hold his hand and showed him to the bathroom. Ricky washed his face, having Chris do the same before he pulled some cold skin care products out of his little refrigerator.

Ricky showed Chris how to apply the eye patches and the face mask which they let sit for a bit before removing it all. They applied moisturizers and mists next, the cooling affect having immediately calmed Ricky's skin down.

When Ricky was feeling like himself again, he went into his closet and picked out a comfortable thong and a silky purple pajama set that consisted of shorts and a tank top.

He climbed into bed and snuggled up to his angora blanket, Chris watching from just inside the bathroom doorway.

"How does it work?" Ricky asked quietly, still having many unanswered questions. He lifted his head, looking at Chris who was at a loss for words.

"Uhm..." Chris sighed and slipped out of his shoes, taking his sweatshirt off too. He bent down and grabbed the box, bringing it to Ricky. He climbed into bed with him, letting him snuggle up while he tried to explain.

"This is lube... It makes things slippery so that it doesn't hurt. It still hurts a little, but it'll stop hurting." He opened the glass bottle and poured a little into the palm of his hand, letting Ricky feel it.

"And so what you'd do is take a toy... And coat it in lube..." Chris demonstrated for Ricky, who was watching and taking note of every step.

"And you'd go really slow, but you push it into your bum... And you can help the pain go away by pushing and pulling on the toy... And when the pain is away, you wanna push it in towards your belly button. It'll start to feel nice and then you can go from there." Chris tried to explain. He looked to Ricky, watching as he nodded slowly.

"I wanna try." Ricky whispered, reaching up and taking the toy from Chris. Chris was surprised, but happy for Ricky nonetheless. He started to get up, assuming Ricky wanted privacy, but Ricky grabbed his wrist.

"Stay please..." Ricky begged, looking up at Chris with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could manage. Just the suggestion made Chris' cock twitch and he sat back down against his better judgement.

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