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The Universe always has a place for "Everything", and "Everything" always has something to do in the Universe, either is go fishing at the fluctuating lakes of the Glossy Nebula, narrating a Sci-Fi story like this one, or trying to discover the next invention that would change the course of the Human Race.

It happened just right around the corner of coincidence and luck, one abrupt event changed everything; the discovery of the Ark Physics by the highly renowned but not-so-popular, and, on some occasions, highly persecuted, Dr. Guajiro H. Adamar.

The Ark Physics applied to technology was a complicated and intrinsic principle that basically, without going into much of a detail, changes the vibration speed of matter seen in the visible spectrum of light, into any other vibration speed from another spectrum of your choice like X-rays or UV.

With that change of vibration speed on any material you could apply it to let's say, a Spaceship with an internal engine of Dark Energy that draws, well, Dark Energy from Space and use it as main fuel obtaining a vessel with the capacity to travel at a humongous speed and, because of the vibration change, the ship could open a breach in reality entering into the Light Realm riding the light as a cosmic road in space. This luminous Highway was later known as the Cosmoway.

The Ark Travel named by the Doctor himself, of course needed some experimentation for practical use, and after long discussions on what could mean for Humanity, the United Nations of Earth agreed to launch the first spaceship with only one voluntary specialized in Space Travel. That passenger was The Commander and International Mission Specialist Ariel Rubinak, the first human who will attempt a complete journey reaching the boundaries of the solar system and returning to Planet Earth, in a fully functionally spaceship capable of breaking the limits of known physics.

The estimated duration of the mission, applying the Ark Travel Technology, comes down to one Earth year, eliminating the relativity of time and space between the spaceship and Earth. This meant that as one year passes on Earth, the same amount of time would pass on board the ship, making Rubinak's journey the first real-time voyage in space.

A lot of things could happen in outer space, especially when traveling alone, for instance, the coffee machine could break down; one year without coffee would be disastrous! Maybe the toilet could get blocked or the communications crashing in the middle of an important call to her grandma. Lots of stuff wandered in Ariel's mind as she looked through the reinforced window watching Earth getting smaller and smaller as the request to enter Ark mode appeared on the control panel.

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