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Chapter 1

Shaoleim ⇒ English

"Kao eejukenao'o Guangmei?! Teishae kao eejukenao'o Guangmei?! Mel fa'oreeta dangrei'ochen haoyusheing'a!"

One human Guangmei?! Only one human Guangmei?! You are completely worthless.

"Laongga fa'oreeteija'ok kao eejukenao'o sa'aogre doncho. Shi'a'okee fangwa'ola fa'oreetaja'ok chazreijengja'ok. A tashleimo va'aozekwo chazreijengja'ok dazno."

There was only one human master. The city was destroyed. A tremendous war destroyed it.

"Mel slayata reibao'a! Nakao nugeing'ijeka yakwa'o mel zangkeija'ok a eejukenao'oeing yeing a tashleimo!"

You lying bitch! I know that you freed the humans in the city!"

"Nu'aom don--"

"No mas--"

"Teishao! Yasha'olejarei heitao'aretelja'ok? Shakeiroe yasha'otejarei ta'oreetei melzo hemotei?"

"Fuck! What happened? Shakeiroe, what are you doing?"

"Ya'eingroe a teishao fa'oreetei a doshao?"

"Where the fuck is the captain?"

"Kwona'o fa'oreetei shinei'oba, nu'oam changgre'ee, nu'ongvue. Tunao nu'ayee waso'evao."

"He's dead, no movement, nothing. We not getting paid."

"Dei'o bameol, lakeomei kao ei mel be'ao'ota e'ola shineita kaole?"

"So slaves, which one of you wants to die first?"

"Mel!? Yakwa'o sha hashei'aongya sheiya nakao ba'oazenoe yeing sengda'ong. Mel fa'oreeta yeing zao'ei rochinglue e'ola vizroe shiseikwao rekrei'o'ang ei angsleirong. Shei'ao'a nakao feiroja'o, mel fa'oreetaja'ok ja'aonggei sha bameol, mel ze'a'odmeota e'ola wasooleng navarao."

"You!? That's the funniest thing I've heard in awhile. You are in no position to make those types of offers. If I recall, you were just a slave, you have nothing to offer us."

"Kwojrashaong, kee'ao sulrachi beile aole'a bameol mel wasongnei."

"Two thousand, plus five hundred for each slave he sold."

"Kwo vogwe'aome'eing nateod."

"Two months ago."

"Sa'eingro yakwa'o mel hemota nu'ayee ze'ao'odmeota. Hemota mel gane'aong'a taoshee yakee'o?

"Money that you do not have. Do you recognize this symbol?"

"Dagei, tunao weoso eekozei seleino mel. Dazno fa'oreeta meleoma haneilao e'ola ze'a'odmeota yakwa'o sa'eingro heing'a lameona tunao re'ao'om. Naem wava'aonegei fa'oreeteiten nu'ayee va'aoche, kwangsao mel gane'ao'a'ota. A jeheano, tunao weoso chingre shenee sha daneimo'aol gajao'eing. Aole'a bacheonakei, maneiloeta meleerao nukei'ao'alue."

"Fine, we'll go with you. It is in your best interest to have that money safe when we arrive. My mercenaries are not cheap soldiers, as you know. The land, we will discuss at a later date. For now, consider yourself lucky."

"Ya'eingroe meleoma hahao'era?"

"Where's your home?"

"Yasha'olejeire heitao'aretelja'ok yasei'ao'eingjrale?"

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