Part 2

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#Phana POV

It's been three days Since I last saw my Yo
I didn't find him anywhere I looked for him and looked but no use it's like he vanished He didn't come to his room since the day I waited for him in front of it cuz I found the papers I wrote for him in the same place,I went to Ming place but he said Yo isn't there I didn't believe him so I asked kit to visit Ming he refused at first but when he saw how desperate I was "you owe me a favor " he said and I do big times , kit go to ming room and ring the bell
"P'kit what are you doing here "
"So you don't want me here "
"You know this is not it  I was just talking to you and you didn't say anything "
"I was just in the neighbor and I thought I should visit "
" even though I'm very glad yo isn't here"
" where is he "
" I don't know either In Thursday He get out and said he will come back but he didn't I come back And he only sent me a message saying I'm fine I will come back with the start of the new seamster , I didn't want to say that to p'pha cuz he didn't deserve to know "
"So why are you telling me you know I will tell  phana "
" I just want to do everything you want from me I just can't help it "
I was spying on them so When I saw kit turning red I called him and he replied
" do you wanna come or get in your boyfriend room "
"Fuck you I'm coming "
He told ming that he have to go and met with me
"So what are you going to do even ming doesn't know where he is "
"I don't know I'm losing my mind where the fuck is he " I was about to cry I'm so desperate I feel like I can't breathe I don't understand we just start dating I become so attached to him It's scaring the hell out of me , kit so my expression and hugged me
" it's ok phana you will find him he said he will come back this Monday so you will see him
" what if he doesn't love me anymore what if he doesn't want to see me ever "
" all you have to do is explain you self to him and he will understand "
"What if he doesn't "
"He will I know N'Yo He is an angel "
I smiled and said " yes he is "

It's finally Monday I couldn't sleep last night at all I miss him so much I could feel my heart beating so hard just thinking of seeing him , I'm waiting in front of my car so I can take you to college I  get down here so early I was afraid Yo will wake up so early to run away from me so I'm waiting here for an hour now I could feel my self shaking it's like high school all over again I don't know what to say or what to do when I see him  furth suddenly stoped in front of the dorm he get down of his motorcycle and come to me
" what did you do"
"Excuse me?"
"Why does N'Yo asking me for ride instead of going with you "
"Yo asked you ?"
"I offered but he said yes when he usually decline so you must have done something "
"I don't think that is any of your business "
Furth smiled " make up already you are good together "
Did furth just say that didn't he have crush on my Yo or he saying that just so I will let Yo go with him
" That's suspicious "
Furth laughed hard and said " I'm over it now "
I really hope so cuz wayo is mine I looked at furth eyes and he looked sincere enough
" when did you see Yo"
"I met him yesterday in the restaurant "
"How did he look "
"Not better than you , you both need to eat  so kiss and make up already "
I smiled but I didn't reply just thinking about it makes my heart jump
"Since N'Yo seems to have ride I should go I have morning classes so...." he put his hand for hand shake I took it
" your hands are so cold how long have you been here "
" About hour and half maybe"
" wow you're in deep man " he said while walking to his motorcycle
Indeed I'm
I waited for five minutes before Yo come out he looked for furth but found me instead when he saw me he tried to get back to the dorm but I was faster and I grabbed his hand
"Where you think you are going "
Yo was trying to free himself
"Let go of my hand "
" I won't so just stop struggling "
He stopped suddenly and turn to face me
"What do you want? To talk I don't wanna talk to you "
He looks so pale and skinnier than before my heart just shattered when I saw him like this he is struggling like me he feel desperate and crushed form being apart like me he still loves me  thank you god 
" no I don't wanna talk I wanna take you to you classes furth was busy so I will drive you there "
Before I was so rushed to explain everything but now I know I should wait for the right time
When I said that Yo gave me a look that say he is suspicious
"I swear I won't say anything if you don't want me to "
He looked  disappointed for second but than his poker face is back
" ok but let my hand go first "
I didn't wanted to free his hand  I wanted to feel his warmth more but he pulled it away and walked in front of me I opened the car and he get in
He didn't say a word and kept looking out the window
I want him to say something I'm dying for him to say something but he just wouldn't back down so I have to do it my self
" do you want me to turn the AC on ?"
He only gave me a look and turned back to look out the window 
Why should I fall in love with such stubborn boy  
I turn on some music some awful music but he didn't say anything either
What should I do to make him talk I was so deep in my thoughts that I almost got into accident but I mange to stop Yo head hits the front I grabbed his face  to check
"Are you ok did you get hurt " I was looking for injuries in his face suddenly he looked scared
"What's wrong are you in pain?"
"Blood "
" where in head show me where "
" p you're injured "
I touched my forehead and there was blood but I doesn't hurt
" I'm fine it's just a small cut "
"It's not let's go to the hospital you need to be checked "
I took a tissue and I wiped the blood it was only a small cut really I only need band Aid to put it on it
Yo kept looking at me like lost puppy like don't know what to do
" it's really fine you know I'm almost doctor right so I know when it's serious "
" then since you are doctor you know that maybe it will get worse or the pain won't show up till later "
" Yo I'm really fine beside I can't get you late to your first day of this semester "
Yo kept looking at me and didn't say anything I dropped Yo at his building he looked at me for a whole five minutes before getting out and he didn't look Back
I bought band Aid for my self and went to my faculty  since I was late I rushed to class so when I entered everyone was looking at me just because this stupid band Aid  by noon everyone has a different story of the reason I put it I get into fight with some gage member who was harassing a girl from my college I didn't even know I was that gentleman really or I tried to save some girl from a car accident didn't even realize I'm that nice too it's just a band Aid and everyone making fuss about it wow kit and beam didn't even asked me about it that how much they don't care although these days none of them seems like himself anymore kit is always on his phone and beam keep looking around and doesn't talking much I know there is something going on with the two of them but I'm waiting for them to confess
" don't you wanna know how I got this "
I pointed at my band Aid
Beam "not really you must hit your head on the door or something stupid like this not anything like the gossip tho "
Kit " yeah like you saving someone you can't even save your own ass "
" why are we friends again  anyway I almost got in car accident "
Beam " almost see I told such clumsy what will happen to you if you get in real one na ? "
" Yo was with me "
Kit &beam " Is N'Yo alright?"
" why are both of you like this he is my boyfriend you know "
Kit " are you sure of that "
Beam "if I were you I won't be so sure I kissed another girl and almost got him in accident what are you good for again "
I don't know what is wrong with beam but that was harsh kit hit beams head and give him a warning look
" he is right I'm not sure he wants me anymore "
Beam " I'm sorry Phana I was only joking N'Yo loves you you know that so don't lose hope
While we where chatting I got a message It was from Yo
" are you okey do you need to go to the hospital "
He is so cute even when he is made he can't help worry about me
" it hurts a little but I'm fine I don't need to go to the hospital "
"NO if it hurts you need to go what if something bad happened to you later "
I need to make him talk about us I need to be sure
" why do you care ? You didn't even want to talk to me this morning "
" I still don't want to "
" can you do that ? Even when I'm hurt like this ?"
" you said you are fine so no need for any further chatting bye bye "
At least he is worried about me 
After I finished my classes I went to pick up Yo from his faculty since I have a normal schedule at the beginning of the semester our classes finish at the same time I text him saying I'm outside waiting for him he read it but he didn't answer I saw him coming out of the building with his fairy angels gang and there was someone else there was that guy that was holding my Yo hand the other day
I got out of the car Yo saw me but walked right past me
I called for him " N'Yo "
The whole gang turn to look don't know why they're always so exited to see me "N'Yo can I talk with you for second "
They pushed Yo in my direction and give us space
" let's go home I come to pick you up "
" no need park said he will give me a ride "
" who is park "
" that guy "
He pointed at the hand touching guy HELL NO I will be dead before letting him go with such guy he clearly wants my Yo but I won't give Yo to him ever , Yo clearly know I don't like this guy but still choose to go with him first furth now this guy it's clear that you want to take his revenge but I can't take it anymore
" will I wanted you to go to the hospital with me  I was feeling strong pain since the morning but I don't want to go alone and the boys are busy so would you go with me"
Yo looks so concerned so he run to his friends probably telling them he is going with me they start screaming and making fun if him he left them and get in my car immediately
I got in and drive without saying anything to Yo I have no intention to take him to the hospital but he doesn't know that so I kept driving in silence and he didn't ask Questions half an hour passed and he didn't say anything I think he already realize I'm kidnaping him after a whole hour of driving I stopped in the middle of nowhere and I get out I was waiting for Yo to get out but he took his time  after ten minutes he get out
" what are we doing here let's go back you need to go to the hospital "
He said it like this is so bothersome
"P'pha what are doing"
I was mad at him and mad at my self why can't we just drop the masks
" what I'm doing me what are doing Yo with furth and park huh"
"I don't think you have the right to ask"
He said it while screaming that's mean I'm finally getting to him
" she is the one who kissed me I swear Yo you know I will never do such thing to you "
"How do I know huh P was always a playboy How could I be so sure "
" don't you trust me don't you trust the love I have for you "
I go to him and I took his face In mu hands
" I will never do such thing to you Yo I love you so much I feel like my heart is breaking every time you ignore me "
" but I'm scared what if you choose someone else over me I love you so much already if we keep on doing this and you choose someone else I can't take it "
Yo was crying My heart is chattering from his words and tears .I wiped his tears and hold his chin so he could look at me
"I'm scared to the past 6 days I couldn't sleep I couldn't eat I thought I lost you I was desperate to see to explain everything to you but I couldn't find you where , and no matter what I did or was in the past it was because I couldn't get you out of my mind no matter what I did you are always there and you will stay there forever I would never hurt on purpose you know that you are my everything I'm so lucky that I could get you after all this years of  looking at you from afar you're finally main "
After saying this Yo was pouting his lips so cute
" so why didn't you push her"
"I wanted to but I couldn't, I couldn't impress   her  in front of the whole school for prink his image is the only thing that matters and I didn't push her was the last favor for her as friend cuz we aren't any more "
Yo hit my chest four times before he looked at my eyes " next time you do such a thing I don't care if you try to act like gentleman man I won't see you again "
I node and he smiled
"Where were you I looked for you everywhere "
"I heard "
I pull yo waist till our bodies were touching I looked down at him
"Where were you Wife "
" I went to visit my father "
I'm so stupid whey didn't I thought of that
" for six days I was going crazy looking for you and you were visiting you're family "
Yo laugh his cute little lough and said
"You were not the only one who was going crazy I was trying so hard not to call you "
I pulled his cheeks
"You should have called maybe we could have explain our self to each other earlier, from now on no more hiding if there is something on you mind just say it ok wife "
He node his head
" you look skinner "
" I told I couldn't eat without finding you you need to take responsibility on every meal I didn't eat and for making me lose my handsomeness "
" you're still handsome "
Yo said while avoiding my eyes
I grabbed Yo neck and I start kissing him I was nibbling   and bitting Yo lips
Those lips soft tasty lips , I wish I could kiss him forever he can be my meal every single day , I used my tongue to lick  his lips and put it in Yo mouth his tongue start moving with main and I feel like I'm drunk on him 
After minutes if kissing Yo breaks the kiss
" p I can't breathe "
I smiled to him and I played with his hair
" does my wife forgive me now? "
" after that you asking me isn't clear "
"  No "
He kissed me and went back
" and now "
He is so cute I can't take it I hugged him so hard
"P I can't breathe "
And he hit my back
I free him and he get in the car without looking at me I needed a minute to calm my self and my hard member I get in the car and we drove back to the city the whole time I was holding my wife hands and Yo was chatting with me and telling me about his first day when we get to the dorm we go to Yo room
"Go back to your room"
"I'm going to sleep here "
" why are you always sleeping here "
" because you are here I wanna cuddle you while sleeping "
Yo get in his side if the bed and I get in on mine
I pulled Yo close to me till my front met his back
" p I know you wouldn't take me to the hospital"
I smiled and I kissed his shoulder
"Good night wifey "
" good night p"
Thank you all for the comments and the votes ❤️❤️Sorry for the delay
Thank you'll  again for waiting hope you like it and sorry for the mistakes when I have time I will edit it 🌸

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