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   I tapped my pen on the wooden desk, staring at the paperwork in front of me. I sigh and place my face on my palm. I look back at the paper and furrow my brows together. A jet black feather lay on my desk next to the sheet of paper. I pick the feather up and I look at it closely before raising my head. The classroom is completely empty and the contents of the class are falling apart, rotten almost. I stand to my feet cautiously, while keeping the black feather between my fingers. I step out of the classroom into the usually crowded hallway. I see more black feathers scattered across the cement floor and I walk in the direction they're coming from. I feel something drip from my hand and I look down at the floor beside my feet. I open my closed palm to see the feather no longer there, and in it's tracks.....blood. I wince at the loud screeching noise of a bell echoing in my ear. I cover my hears and scream at the top of my lungs. I turn around the opposite way and everything was back to normal. Students were crowding the halls and laughing to one another. I look at my palm to see nothing there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Scott asks walking up with the others and I look at him

"I have to tell you guys something."


   I was sitting in the library when I got a text from Loser T.

LT: Maddison, we need to talk

Me: About?

LT: Your ability, we could help each other. 

Me: Um, are you trying to make an alliance? 

LT: An alliance to help me get something that I desperately want

Me: A life?

LT: ....no

Me: Hey I had to ask, what do you want?

LT: A pack


   I was sitting in my room  putting in grades when Theo came in and I stop putting in grades and looked at him. 

"Can I help you?" I ask and he leans against a desk, the same one Maddison sat on when we were alone that day.

"Actually, you can." He says and his eyes start to glow a bright yellow. Wolf.

"And how may I help?" I ask,, my eyes glowing gold and I stand up

"Stay away from Maddison. I need her power to get a pack of my own. You're getting in the way of my plan." He says and I laugh

"Oh Theo, you're your ignorant it's unreal. Maddison's powers are too much for a fake wolf like you. But if you're like me, you can handle a little shock of power." I say and walk up to him.

"Maddison wouldn't give into someone like you." Theo says and I pull down the collar of my shirt, exposing the hickies

"You sure?" I smirk and grab him by the throat and threw him across the room and he slammed into the wall and fell to the ground.

"She's mine! She has the power to take all of us out! I'm going to take that power away from her! She's getting stronger and stronger and soon, she'll stop me from MY plan. I can't have that." I say, grabbing Theo by the throat and slammed him on the ground and his eyes turn back to normal. I crouch down to Theo and he looks up at me, wincing.

"If you get in my way, just know that I'll actually cause damage towards you." I whisper and I walk right out the classroom


   I was at the library with Maddison when I decided it was time to ask her. 

"Hey Maddie, we've known each other for a couple months now, and I was wondering what your back story was? If that's okay?" I ask cautiously and her eyes soften a bit

"I would love to but, I'm not a big person on crying and that's a story that would definitely make me cry." She says and I sigh

"Is there any just key words you can remember?" I ask and she thinks

"Um, before my dad left he said something, I can't remember what it is." She says and I lean in a bit

"Just try." I say and she chuckles

"I am." She smiles and snapping.

"My dad, well.....was like me. He said, Aveţi nevoie pentru a proteja ceea ce vine. Ar putea să-mi înţeleg în acest moment, dar veţi şti atunci când sunteţi mai în vârstă. Nu se alăture partea întunecată, au capacitatea de a arunca o vraja hipnotic pe tine. Proteja cele ai dragoste, găsi vostru interior puterea de cele mai multe şi să-l utilizaţi." She says and I shift in my seat

"And that means?" I ask and she smiles too herself, remembering something

"It means, You need to protect what is coming. You might not understand me at the moment, but you'll know when you're older. Don't join the dark side, they have the ability to cast a hypnotic spell on you. Protect the ones you love, find your inner most power and use it." She says and I nod

"That's really important to me and I am the way I am today because of my dad." She says and I could tell she was remembering a lot and started to tear up


"I'm sorry, I need to go home.' she says, quickly wiping a tear and leaving


   I was siting in Scott's living room with everyone. Liam and Stiles walks in and Scott looks at mme.

"Alright Lydia, what did you want to tell us?" He asks and I took a deep breath

"Alright so I saw a hallucination, two. Both about Maddison." I say and Violet huffs

"I hope she dies." Violet mumbles and Scott nudges her

"She does...and I think she knows that herself." I say and Scott and Stiles shift

"What do you mean she knows it as well?" Stiles asks and I look at him

"When we were in the forest and Maddison and I touched hands, I saw all of us, including her fighting something and she goes after the one who is causing the whole attack to stop it. There's a clash in the air and Maddison falls to the ground...dead. The second hallucination was where all I saw was feathers from her wings and blood." I say and Scott sighs

"She's supposed to protect us from something?" He asks and I nod

"Supposed to be." Violet rolls her eyes

"You know Violet, I'm getting just a little bit tired of your comments. I understand you don't like her, but at least keep the negativity to a minimum." Maliah says and Violet growls

"Guys we have to help her." I say 

"We don't like Maddison. Why are we helping her?" Stiles asks and I sigh

"Because if we don't, Beacon Hills could be destroyed...permanently." 


   I was walking in the woods when I bumped into a girl in a hoodie. I look her up and down and saw her blue streak of hair. 

"Watch where you're going." She growls and before I could answer she turns invisible.

"Watch it Chameleon." I say and kept walking

"Better help Maddison out, I over heard Mr. Donner and Theo fighting for her power, they're after her." She says and I turn around

"I don't care for her..."

"You will once you're staring death in the face." I hear her whisper in my ear and I jump, it totally creeping me out

"Leave me alone! Who are you?!"

"Names Lux, better do as Lydia suggests...thing'll get crazy."

Maddison 》》TW AUWhere stories live. Discover now