The Begining

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The room was silent, nothing could be heard except the morning song of the birds outside. A alarm clock quickly went off. The boy sleeply turned it off after a few attempts. He slowly raised from his bed, and headed towards the bathroom. He entered the bathroom and grabed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth.

After he finished he washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror. His purple hair was a mess and he had tiny bags under his deep red eye. He decided that he should take a bath before getting ready to leave for school. He got undressed and got in the shower. He turned on the hot water and stood under it. He loved doing this. It relaxed him in the mornings.

He grabbed the soap and cleaned himself. After he was done he closed the hot water and got out of the shower. He grabbed a towel and dried himself off and headed for his room with the towel wrapped around his waiste. He got dressed, he put on a black shirt with the words 'Rock On' on it, dark blue jeans, a new pair of black shoes, and his iconic purple jacket.

He headed downstairs towards the kitchen were his mom was finishing making breakfast. "Morning Bonnie." His mom said in a cheerful tone. "Morning" Bonnie said while sitting down in a chair waiting for breakfast. "Excited for the last day of school?" His mom said putting down a plate of food in front of him. "Yeah, finally." Bonnie said with a smile.

"I'm glad, who knows, maybe you could finally get a sweet guy on the last day." His mom said while laughing a little. "Mom!!" Bonnie said while blushing a little looking at her a little mad and embarrased. His mom just laughed at her son's reaction. Bonnie's older brother came in the kitchen and sat down. "Morning" he said while looking a little sleepy. "Morning dear" Bonnie's mom said while giving him a plate of food.

"Remember that you agreed to help Mr.Arnold fix his old car today." She said while sitting down at the table. "Yeah, I know." He said while taking a big chunk of food in his mouth. There was only small talk in the table about the last day of school and other topic that Bonnie really didn't want to get into. Bonnie finished his breakfast first. He stood up and went to clean his plate. After he was done, he went upstairs to finish getting ready. After a few minutes he went downstairs.

He said goodbye to his mom and his older brother and left for school. It was snowing a little and the whole neighborhood looked like a snow kingdom. It was a 15 minute walk, but Bonnie didn't mind it since he enjoyed it. He reached the school and went to get a quick drink before going to his classroom since he still had time. He went to a nearby soda machine and got one.

"Well hello there BonBon." A voice came from behind him. Before he could look around to see who is was, he was pinned against the machine by the throat, but he already had an idea of who it was. It was a tall kid with dark blonde hair and light blue eyes. "What do you want Springtrap?" Bonnie said with a hint of fear in his voice. "Aw, did I just hear a little bit of fear in your voice BonBon?" Springtrap said in a mocking tone.

Bonnie hated it when people called him that since it made him sound as if he was a girl. "Leave him alone Spring!" A voice came from a little down the hallway. Bonnie looked over and to his luck, it was one of his friends. A brown haired guy with bright blue eyes. His name was Frederick Fazbear,but everybody would call him Freddy. "Common Fazbear, you know I'm just playing with the little guy!" Springtrap said while letting go of Bonnie. "See ya later BonBon." Springtrap said while walking away.

"You OK Bonnie?" Freddy asked worried. "Yeah, thanks Freddy. I hate that guy." Bonnie said while rubbing his neck. "Common, Chica is waiting for us in the classroom." Freddy said, waiting for Bonnie to follow him. Bonnie nodded and followed Freddy. They entered the classroom looking for Chica, but they didn't see her. "Huh, I swear she was in here a few seconds ago." Freddy said while scratching his head.

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