Unexpected Events

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"I really like you Bonnie."

Bonnie was frozen by these words. "Foxy... likes me?" Bonnie thought to himself, his red entirely red out of blushing. Foxy was also extremely blushing since he had just confessed his feelings towards Bonnie, but he was also terrified since he didn't know how Bonnie would react. Plus he was still holding Bonnie's hands, something he was enjoying.

Bonnie was in disbelief of what was happening right now. He has had a crush on Foxy since many years ago. And here was Foxy now, telling him that he felt the same way as Bonnie did for him. The part that surprised him was that Foxy has also liked Bonnie since many years ago. All of this felt like a dream to Bonnie.

"Um, Bonnie, are you ok?" Foxy asked looking at Bonnie who was lost in thoughts. Bonnie quickly snapped out of it and look at Foxy. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." Bonnie said all flustered. Foxy laughed at Bonnie's reaction. "You're really cute when you're nervous." Foxy said smiling. Bonnie got nervous and flustered due to the comment.

"Wait, he thinks I'm cute?!?!" Ok Bonnie think!! Come up with a good response!!" Bonnie thought to himself trying to get his composure straight. "Um... you're p-pretty cute t-too." Bonnie said looking away. Foxy eyes lightened up. "Wait, does that mean you like me too?" Foxy asked while a smile started to form on his face. Bonnie looked at Foxy in the eyes, blushing a lot.

"Yeah, I r-really l-like you t-too..." Bonnie said with a smile. Before Bonnie knew it, Foxy grabbed Bonnie and pulled him towards him giving him a sweet kiss. Bonnie was surprised at first, but then started to enjoy it. He had dreamed about the day he would get his first kiss with Foxy, if Foxy were to ever feel the same way about him. Something about being up there on the spot they first met, made their kiss magical. As if it was destined to happen.

After a few seconds they stopped kissing since they needed to breathe. They just stood there looking at each other, both having the most intense color of red in their faces. "Has anybody ever told you you're a great kisser?" Foxy asked with a smirk. "Nope, just you." Bonnie said pulling Foxy for a sweet short kiss. Foxy then pulled back from the kiss, which confused Bonnie for a sec.

"Ok Foxy, you can do this. Just like when you practiced with Mangle." Foxy thought himself taking a deep breath. He grabbed Bonnie's hands and looked at him with a smile and cleared his throat. He then started to get a little nervous. "Umm, Blake... Would you give me the honor of taking you out on a date?" Foxy asked extremely nervous and his face all red.

Bonnie was surprised and happy. He was glad that Foxy had asked him out, but he was surprised since nobody would call him by his first name except his mom, usually when she got serious. "Did you just called me by my real name?" Bonnie asked curiously. "Yeah, Blake is your real name right? So I decided to ask you properly." Foxy said scratching the back of his head. "Well, if we are going to do this properly... Then yes Felix, I would love to go with you." Bonnie said.

With that Foxy gave Bonnie another kiss. Both extremely happy that they could be together after so much time. "So, since when did you feel this way about me?" Bonnie asked curiously. "Believe it or not, it all began the day we met." Foxy responded smiling a little embarrased. "Really?! Why didn't you say anything before?!" Bonnie asked in disbelief. "Well I was unsure if you felt the same way about me." Foxy said honestly.

"So, what changed." Bonnie asked. "Well I started to get suspicious when you started following me around school." Foxy responded with a smile. "Wait, you saw me?!" Bonnie said all embarrased. "Oh come on Bonnie, do you think I wouldn't notice that the guy I like is occasionally following me around school." Foxy said crossing his arms. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry about that." Bonnie said covering his face.

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