First Day

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"Foxy?" Bonnie thought to himself. He didn't imagine that the person that would be staying at his house for a couple of weeks would be him. Did the world hated him for doing this. He tried to hide his nervousness from him and his mom while trying to not make eye contact with him.

"Foxy, this is my son Bonnie. Bonnie, this is Foxy, remember, Lauren's son?" She said with a smirk.  already knew who he was, but he wasn't sure if Foxy knew him at all. Only that Foxy caught him starring at him this morning and a few other times through the school year.

"Nice to meet ya Bonnie." Foxy said extending his hands towards Bonnie, who was trying to hide his blush. "Y-Yeah, nice to meet you too." Bonnie said nervously while also extending his hands. They both shook hands, and Bonnie tried to not keep eye contact with his crush. Foxy had a hard grip, maybe due that he always works out at school.

"Mrs.Rose, could you show me were I can put my stuff, I really need to take a shower." Foxy said while grabbing a bag that was on the floor. She nodded and directed him to a room that was next to Bonnies. While Bonnie's mom was with Foxy settleing him in, Bonnie quickly went inside his room. He was still in disbelief of what was happening. He wanted to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time. He did what he used to do when things like this happened.

He got up from his bed and went to his desk that was besides his bed. He grabbed a sketchbook from one of the drawers and some other things like a few pencils and an ereaser. Bonnie loved to make art. It was his way to disconnect from the world, were he could be as creative as he wanted to be without any distractions. He tried to sketch many things like landscapes, animals, and other stuff. But somehow, it didn't keep his mind off of Foxy.

Without him noticing, he sketched a bunch of doodles of Foxy. When he realized what he has been doing, he quickly ripped the page and hid it under the matress of his bed. It seemed that he couldn't stop thinking of his crush. His stomach started to rumble, and seeing that he was hungry, he decides to go downstairs to make himself something to eat.

He put all of his material and sketchbook where they originally were and headed to the door of his room. He got out and started to make his way downstairs, but looked back when he heared the bathroom door open. He blushed imeadietly as he saw Foxy, who was still a little wet and had only a towel wrapped around his waiste and had a well excersied body.

Foxy noticed Bonnie and smiled at him while making his way to the room he was staying in. Bonnie tried to calm down, but couldn't after seeing his crush like that. Bonnie quickly went downstairs to the kitchen. He saw a note on the kitchen counter saying, "Bonnie, I had to leave, there was a problem at work and they needed me to be there immeadietly. Ill be back at 11:00. -Mom" Bonnie wasn't surprised. His mom would always be called back to work. He got used to it by time, but got sad since they didn't spend any time together because Bonnie was focused on school and his mom always worked.

He made his way to the fridge and started to get out a few ingredients and started cooking. He didn't like to make anything big, just something that would leave him satisfied. "What'cha coocking?" Said someone behind Bonnie. He got nervous since he recognized the voice. He looked back and saw Foxy whos red hair was still a little wet.

"O-Oh, just a quick snack... Wants some?" Bonnie said a little nervous trying to not emberass himself in front of his crush. "Sure, why not." Foxy said with a smile. Foxy went and sat at the table waiting for Bonnie to finish cooking. After a few minutes Bonnie came out of the kitchen with two plates of food and gave one to Foxy.

"Thanks" Foxy said giving a smile to Bonnie. Bonnie nodded and sat down accross from him. Foxy grabbed a spoon and gave the food Bonnie gave him a tatse. He stoped moving after a few couple of bites. Bonnie froze. "Oh no, he didn't like it did he?! He must hate me now for giving him bad food!?" Bonnie thought to himself with a worried face. After a few seconds Foxy started moving. "This... Is... AMAZING!!" Foxy said while grabbing more pieces of food and eating it fast.

Bonnie was reliefed that Foxy liked what he cooked. "Where did you learn how to cook like this?!" Foxy asked looking at Bonnie with food in his mouth. "O-Oh, well since my mom isn't around much, I thought that I might aswell learn how to cook." Bonnie responded blushing a little. "Do you like it?" Bonnie asked looking down at his food. "Like it? I love it!! You need to teach me how to cook like this!!" Foxy responded still eating away at the food Bonnie made. Bonnie nodded and smile at Foxy and started eating. They didn't talk that much while they ate, since Foxy finished eating really quick.

"Thanks for the food." Foxy said while getting up from his seat and heding towards the kitchen to clean the plate. Bonnie responded with a smile. After a few minutes Bonnie finished eating and went to clean his plate. After he was done he started to head upstairs to his room seeing as it was getting late. But before he could go up the stair Foxy stopped him. "Hey, wanna see this movie with me?" Foxy asked holding out a movie box.

It was an action/comedy movie. Bonnie loved comedy movies since they would always cheer him up. "Sure" Bonnie responded. They both went to the living room and Foxy put the movie in the dvd player. Before the movie started Bonnie suggested that they should make popcorn, Foxy agreed. Bonnie got up and went to the kitchen. Bonnie's older brother got in the house and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Brett" Bonnie said while puting the popcorn bag in the microwave. "Hey Bon" Brett said. "Why are you making popcorn?" Brett asked while making a sandwich. "Im gonna watch a movie." Bonnie responded, waiting for the popcorn to finish. "With who, a friend of yours?" He asked giving a bite to the sandwich he just made. "Well sorta, with a guy that's gonna stay here for a couple of weeks." Bonnie responded making his way to the microwave.

Brett made his way to greet their guest. He entered the living roon a greeted Foxy. "Hey, I'm Brett, Bonnie's big brother, nice to meet ya." Brett said while extending his hand. " Felix, but you can call me Foxy, nice to meet you too." Foxy said grabbing Brett's hand and shaking it. "Wanna watch the movie with us?" Foxy asked Brett. "Nah, I have to go soon." Brett responded. Bonnie overheard what Brett had said. "Where are you going?" Bonnie said while sitting down with a big bowl of popcorn."I'm going to spend a couple of days at Terrance's house." Brett said. He went upstairs and left Bonnie and Foxy alone. After a few minutes Brett came back down and said his goodbyes to both of them.

Foxy took no time to start grabbing a couple of popcorn from the bowl. They started watching the movie. Sometime they would both grap popcorn at the exact same time which then they would touch hands. Foxy didn't seem to mind, but Bonnie would retract his hand and blush a little. It was getting a little late and the movie had just ended. "Waoh, that was a good movie, right Bo..." Foxy said before looking over to Bonnie and seeing that he was asleep. He smiled at him and looked over at the clock.

He saw that it was pretty late and he didn't want to wake up Bonnie or leave him there. He turned off the dvd and the tv and put the bowl in the kitchen. He then went back to the living room and grabed Bonnie by the arms. He carried him up to his room making sure to not wake him up. He set Bonnie down and put his blanket over him. Before leaving, he spotted something that was sticking out of Bonnie's matress. He grabbed it and blushed a little when he saw what was on it. It was a white paper with a few sketches of Foxy on it. He looked over at Bonnie and smiled, then put back the paper where it was.

He left Bonnie's room with a smile and went towards his room. After a few minutes of settling in to the new enviorenment, he fell asleep.

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