Old Times

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The room was silent. The birds were singing their morning songs and Bonnie and Foxy were laying on the bed together. Bonnie starting to wake up. He had a big headache, and he rubbed his eyes trying to wake up. He looked around and froze and blushed hot red when he saw that he was only wearing his boxers and that Foxy was laying beside him also in his boxers.

"What's Foxy doing here?! Did something happen last night between us?! Why am I only in boxers?! Why is he only in boxers?!" Bonnie thought to himself sitting at one of the sides of his bed. He tried to remember what had happen yesterday. "Ok, so I went to Golden's party with Chica, Foxy and Freddy, then Spring threw me to a pool, and I ran back home. Did I pass out?" Bonnie thought to himself getting up, only to jump after hearing that Foxy was waking up.

Foxy sat up and looked at Bonnie. "Morning" Foxy said giving Bonnie a smile. Bonnie quickly grabbed something to cover himself up while his face was burning red. "Are you feeling ok, you were burning up yesterday." Foxy said getting up from the bed. Bonnie nodded. "Umm... w-why am I o-only in boxer?" Bonnie asked looking down at the ground. "Oh, sorry about that, but I had to take you out of your wet clothes since you had a fever and I was worried, so I decided to sleep with you just in case you got worse. I hope you don't mind."

Bonnie shook his head saying no. Foxy smiled at Bonnie since he was so cute when he was nervous. "Also, I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time now." Foxy said starting to get red. "Bonnie I really..." Foxy said before being interrupted. "Bonnie!!!" it was Chica. She had burst through the door and immediately jumped on Bonnie once she saw him. "Bonnie, we were so worried about you." Chica yelled out hugging Bonnie tightly. Freddy soon came in not noticing Foxy. "Chica I-I c-can't b-breathe!! F-Freddy h-help!!" Bonnie said out of breath trying to get out of Chica's tight hug of doom. "Common Chica, get off of him or you're going to kill him." Freddy said trying his best to save Bonnie from ultimate demise.

In all the commotion, Foxy quickly got up and left Bonnie's room. Chica got up and stared at Bonnie. "Are you ok?! We heared what happened yesterday!! I have a plan to get revenge on Spring!!" Chica said maniacly. "Yeah I'm ok, and what do you have in mind?" Bonnie asked regreting to do so. "Lets burn his house down!!!" Chica said which then processed in laughing like a psychopath.

While Chica was laughing like the insane person that she is Bonnie and Freddy just looked at her a little afraid. "Is it weird that sometimes I find this part of her extremely hot?" Freddy whispered to Bonnie still looking at the insane Chica. Bonnie just nodded. "Chica, I already told you, we shouldn't do anything. It would just give Spring more reasons to go after Bonnie. Also if we do that I'm pretty sure we would all go to jail" Freddy said not amused. "Oh commom Freddy!! We can't just let Srping get away with this after doing that to Bonnie." Chica yelled out with one of her eyes twitching.

They both started to discuss about the topic. Bonnie was used to this by now. "Were did Foxy go?" Bonnie thought to himself looking around for him. "Um guys, can you guys leave for a quick moment." Bonnie said braking Freddy and Chica's argument. "Why?" They both asked. Bonnie took a step back and let them figure it out. "Oh ok, let's go Chica." Freddy said dragging the now nose bleeding Chica. Freddy closed the door after dragging Chica out of the room.

Bonnie put on some clothes and steped outside. "Seems they went downstairs." Bonnie thought to himself. He wanted to talk to Foxy first to see what he wanted to say before Chica came in and almost killed him. He went to Foxy's room which door was open. "Foxy?" Bonnie yelled out after Bonnie came in. He wasn't there so he decided to go downstairs.

Freddy and Chica were talking while Freddy was trying to stop Chica from dying from a nosebleed. "Hey guys, have you seen Foxy?" Bonnie asked looking around. Chica snapped out of it and looked at Bonnie. "Oh, he told us that he needed to take care of a few thing." Chica said while getting closer to Bonnie. "So, what was Foxy doing in you're bed Bonnie?" Chica asked with a smirk. Bonnie's face immediately turned red because of the question. "N-Nothing!! I had a fever and Foxy slept with me since he was worried I would get worse!!!" Bonnie yelled out all flustered.

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