Bad Occurrence

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Bonnie's room was quite. He slowely woke up rubbing his face looking around. "Huh, how did I get up here?" Bonnie thought to himself sitting at the side of his bed. He tried not to think about it since he really needed to take a shower. He got up and slowely walked to the bathroom trying to not trip on anything. He entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Before he undressed he grabbed his thoothbrush and brush his theeth. He then undressed and got in the shower turning on the hot water. He stood there feeling the hot water hit his body. He was to relaxed to notice that the bathroom door had open. He jumped up when he heard a familiar voice. "Good morning!" It was Foxy. "M-Morning..." Bonnie said a little nervous and blushing. How did Foxy get in? Bonnie was sure he had locked the door when he got in. To Bonnie's luck, Foxy couldn't see him.

"Im just gonna quickly brush my theeth, if you don't mind." Foxy said starting to brush his theeth. "N-No, I-I don't mind." Bonnie said trying to not sound nervous. He was flustered all the time that Foxy was there. Foxy quickly finished, got out and closed the door behind him. Bonnie sighed out of relief that Foxy wasn't there anymore. His face was red as a tomato. He swoer that he locked the door when he got in. "Did Foxy unlock it? No, why would he?" Bonnie thought to himself.

He finished showering, dried himself off and left the bathroom, but checked first if Foxy was around before running into his room. This time he double checked if he had locked the door. After making sure it was locked it, he jumped onto his bed covering his face with one of his arms.

He heared his phone ringing under his blanket. He picked it up and looked at who was calling. It was Chica. "Hello?" Bonnie said a little tired. "Hey Bonnie!! What's wrong? You seem a little tired." Chica asked in her usual loud self. "Oh nothing it's that there's this guy that's spending a couple of weeks in my house." Bonnie responding taking off his arm from his face and sitting up. "Oh really? Who is it?" Chica asked waiting eagerly for Bonnie to answer. "Let me give you a couple of hints. He's a red haired cute guy with last name Bastian." Bonnie responded putting himself a few distance from his phone. Chica screamed after hearing what Bonnie had told her. "No way!!! Foxy is staying at your house?!?!" Chica asked super loud.

"Yeah" Bonnie said putting some clothes on. "That's great!! Anyway, me and Freddy are going to a party tonight. Wanna come?" Chica asked. "I don't know Chica. I don't really feel in a mood to party right now." Bonnie sais with full honesty. "Oh commom, it won't be any fun if you aren't there." Chica said. Bonnie paused for a few seconds to think about it. He sighed. "Ok, I'll come." Bonnie said. "Yay!! Ok, me and Freddy will come and pick you up at 6:00." Chica said fully excited.

They both said their goodbyes and Bonnie hanged up. He was about to put on a shirt when he heard someone knocking on his door. He swiftly put in on, unlocked the door and opened it. It was Foxy. "Hey, your mom said to come down, breakfast is ready." Foxy said with a smile. Bonnie only nodded. They both went downstairs and sat at the table waiting for their food.

Only a few second flew by when Bonnie's mom came in bringing breakfast. She has made her special pancakes that Bonnie had always enjoyed ever since he was a little kid. Bonnie just stared at the pancakes that had chocolate syrup, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and a cherry on top. "Thanks mom!!" Bonnie yelled out still starring at his food. "You're welcome sweety. Foxy, do you want to try them? She said with a smile. "Sure, they look delicious." Foxy responded returning the smile to Bonnie's mom. She went back to the kitchen and brought the same thing for Foxy. She was surprised when she saw that Bonnie was almost done with his food.

"You really love my special pancakes, don't you Bonnie?" His mom asked smiling at him. Bonnie could only nod since he had his mouth full of delicious chocolate goodness. He finished eating and went to clean his plate leaving Foxy and his mom alone, but came back after he was done. "Hey mom, can I go to a party tonight with Chica and Freddy?" He asked with a little bit of chocolate syrup in his cheeck. "Sure honey, but make sure you come back home before it gets late." His mom responded gestering him he had chocolate on his cheeck. He licked it off and nodded at her and headed upstairs.

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