A Little in Common

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Numbness. Numbness is all she felt now after passing out right after falling from a chandelier where Toffee stood over her not looking very happy but before the few minutes of fear had grasped at Lotil into darkness she noticed Toffee become concern right as she fell forward from exhaustion she couldn't really remember what happened after that. Moving around slightly wincing a bit at the numbed pain, Lotil felt something soft and warm covering her body opening both eyes slowly she lifts herself up letting the pupils adjust to the sudden brightness of the morning sunlight shining through the window. Lotil, yawned than gazed around the room she was in obviously a bedroom noticing she was on a bed. Lotil felt somewhat confused as to why she was even here stood up to walk around almost stumbling backwards walked over to a huge rectangular mirror that hanged perfectly on the wall facing the mirror the reflection of a scarred green eyed hybrid monster looked back at her. Checking the creature that stood before her noticed bandages around her upper back area, steadily moving a claw up her left side and over the bandages where the left wing use to be, barely touching the fatal wound moved her claw away from that area placed both hands on her shoulders rubbing them feeling a little shaky about this.
Spreading out her one remaining wing; Lotil noticed the scars still remained from the fight with Hickory before only sighed again feeling more and more stressed only took deep breathes to calm herself.

"Okay, this is fine. I may not be able to fly anymore but I'm still me, always me heh" Lotil's voice almost shook fear melting down her spine "It's all fine...just fine" the hybrid choked back what was almost a sob but shook her head refusing to let any tears fall.
"No, I must stay strong no tears. No tears. No more" Lotil merely sniffed finally getting a hold of her emotions when the bedroom door had opened.

Turning around immediately getting defensive held up her spear at the intruder. Toffee had entered the room with a tray of of coffee and buttered toast, noticed Lotil staring at herself in the mirror right before aiming her spear towards the lizard in alarm; Toffee wasn't really moved by the sudden gesture of the weapon that was pointed at him could see the hybrid was feeling a bit stressed out set down the tray on a near by counter and placed a hand over the end of the spear setting it downwards out of his face making Lotil tense in response.

"Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you Lotil" Toffee retorted trying to reassure her "If you're hungry there's some food right there for you" her pointed over to the tray on the counter.

Lotil partly relaxed herself a bit and turned her attention to the tray moving her weapon away from Toffee setting it to the side. "It's Toffee right? Um sorry for almost stabbing you, things are just getting really hard for me" she exclaimed taking the tray to the bed.

Toffee watched her carefully "You mean like how you lost your wing?" Lotil nodded. "Hm, I'm sorry to hear that. Tell me though how exactly did you lose it?"

Lotil drinking some coffee almost choked at the question but  managed to bring out the words "Well it's a personal issue, it happened yesterday but I'm not gonna tell you how unless...." The hybrid looked over to Toffee's hands noticing the right middle finger was missing.

Toffee sat down in a chair across from the hybrid "Unless what?" He questioned.

"Unless you tell me how you lost you're middle finger" Lotil sipped her coffee.

Toffee thought long and hard about that "Hm. No sorry Lotil until we both learn trust between each other I'm afraid that's classified for a while" the lizard smiled leaning back in his chair.

Lotil flicked her ear "Suit yourself Toffee" the lizard wolf bit into her toast almost enjoying the monster lizard's company.

"Say, Toffee tell me. Since I broke into your castle and in addition broke a priceless chandelier which I'm really sorry about I really am! You aren't at all mad. Why is that?" The hybrid looked at Toffee waiting for an answer.

Toffee looked at the lizard wolf his eyes catching hers. "It's fine. If I'm being honest though, I was at first mad about it but when I saw you looked overly exhausted and just passed out I knew you probably had a reason or something."

Lotil, put her snout into the coffee cup for a few seconds to avoid eye contact but it was hard to dodge those yellow orbs that just wouldn't allow her to look away "Yeah, I have a reason since the injury I was badly hurt and needed bandages and since my home was pretty far. I wasn't sure if I could make it there on time, that's when I saw this castle and crawled in through an empty window.
Which resulted in me climbing a chandelier to hide but yeah that didn't go well" Lotil sighed setting the coffee cup down.

The grey lizard leaned forward placing both his arms to settle on his lap as both hands were put together letting his snout come slightly closer to Lotil. The hybrid startled at his sudden movements backed away just a bit.
"I understand than. Speaking of your wound, is it any better?" He asked looking over at the bandages wrapped firmly around her upper body.

Lotil sat up straight looking at the bandages "Doing fine actually, in a few days the would should heal fully thanks to being a half lizard hybrid" she answered smiling.

Toffee smiled back "That's good to hear. Good thing you have lizard blood in you or it would take longer for the wound to heal. Maybe even regenerate" Lotil's ears went back suddenly.

"Yeah, about that I may have the blood of a lizard but I have the blood of a wolf too. I only have parts of each abilities my parents passed on to me one being regeneration" Lotil explained.

Toffee leaned back in his chair listening.

"For me, I can only regenerate the smallest parts of my body. Such as; Hands, fingers, eyes, ears, snout, teeth, wounds, feet, and organs. But anything like arms, legs, heads, and anything that could leave permanent damage cannot be regenerated therefore I'm only one winged" she sighed sadly turning her view away from Toffee and putting her head against the wall.

The grey lizard feeling somewhat bad for the hybrid merely stood up out of the chair and put a hand on her shoulder leaning down to say something "I understand Lotil. Though even if one part of you can't regrow the rest of you is still here, so don't worry about it too much okay?" Lotil looked up at him than smiled.

"You have a point there. Thanks, Toffee" the lizard wolf grinned before feeling the monster ruffle the top of her head.

He grinned in response "Good. Now if you want you can join us downstairs, you may stay here as long as you please. Goodbye for now" Toffee removed his claw off of Lotil's now frenzied up hair.

"O-okay, thank you!" She shouted somewhat annoyed at how he ruffled her head made Lotil slightly blush but shook her face to be rid of the shameful color that covered her cheeks.

"So looks like I get to stay here. Maybe only for a little while, I don't know I'll have to think for now I'll just enjoy it for the experience. Oh may these dreaded feelings have mercy on me" Lotil had said to herself getting out of the bed and heading out of the bedroom door unaware of what's waiting for her on the other side.

Too Hate or Too Love: Lotil's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now