Til We Meet Again

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After the day Regimen had come over to see Lotil after all those years they were both able to make up for past mistakes and forgive each other catching up on old times but soon her father had to leave for important feild work said his goodbyes and left yesterday late afternoon. The hybrid was passed out in her bed fast asleep with a slight snore, a loud ringing began chiming loudly Lotil groaned lifting her head up towards the side it was her home phone device someone obviously calling. Picking it up, she grunted "Hello...?"

"Lotil? Ya there? Hello!" It was Hickory on the line.

Lotil sighed "Yes, I'm here what do you want?" The hybrid asked.

"Okay, I know you're probably tired but this will be worth your time once you hear what I just found!" The hyena cat sounded excited.

"Really?" She yawned "What is it?"

"Dude! It's a Monster Temple!"

"What? Your kidding."

"Nope, it's true. If you come over to the Jaggy Mountains I'll show you. Trust me, it's really awesome."

"Alright fine, I'll be there. You better not be deceiving me Hickory."

"I'm not I swear! You won't be sorry."

"I better not be. Seeya than."

Lotil soon hung up the phone and laid back on the bed for a quick second before stretching out her arms and legs, forcing herself out of bed and into her morning clothing. Retrieving her staff just in case, the hybrid walked out the door and upwards the steep hill, made her way over towards the Jaggy Mountains to see this Monster Temple Hickory supposedly found. Leaping up a few trees to make speed towards that direction she heard voices near by, immediately keeping up in the tree tops Lotil spots familiar figures. Squinting her eyes she could make out the white haired figure as Queen Moon and the Blonde haired Princess Star, her eyes narrowed angrily looking at them but also questionable as to why they would be out in the forest to began with. Shrugging it off, Lotil continues her journey to the mountains.

Hickory was leaned up against a rock formations awaiting Lotil's arrival her eyes caught sight of a figure coming her way, lifting her head she noticed Lotil dashing on over. The hybrid was exhausted once she had made full appearance.
"Glad you could make it" Hickory smiled.

Lotil huffed and looked the other hybrid "Yeah, yeah. Now where is this 'Monster Temple' you've found?" She asked air quoting.

Hickory rolled her eyes "Just follow me up this ridge, it's not too far up there" she pointed up and began climbing the rocks.

The lizard wolf sighed irritated but followed behind her friend with no complaint. For a good fifteen minutes, both hybrids had to avoid showering bits of rocks on to each other and from slipping as well. Finally gripping the top of the ridge, Hickory being the first up helped Lotil afterwards.

"Here we are" Hickory had one arm held out to introduce the large Temple sitting in front of them.

Lotil's mouth gaped in awe "Whoa, you were right about it being a Monster Temple. This is cool!"

The hyena cat grinned "Told you, though it may be in ruins some parts of it are still standing. So let's go take a look inside!" She insisted running towards it.

Lotil went after her "Hey, wait up!" She shouted.

Both Monsters curiosity grew once they entered the domain of the abandoned Temple, their eyes glanced at every remaining detail of it. Lotil found old drapes looking to be ripped laying on the floor and outside a waterfall fell out of the mouth of a statue head of a dragon like monster. Walking around the hybrid caught sight of a pile of corn, curiously she walked over towards the pile picking a piece up to sniff it.
"Corn? But isn't this Mewman food?" Lotil wondered.

Too Hate or Too Love: Lotil's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now