The Game of Truth

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Lotil's eye shot open and immediately jolted upwards tears swept down her face, her dream in the end was nothing but a black void dragging her into darkness leaving it empty she shook breathing heavily growled in frustration, wiped the hot tears away "Stupid freaking tears, ugh i hate when that happens" she sniffed and looked around the room to see everything was back to the way it was. Lotil looked to her right side to find a still sleeping Toffee, quietly she slipped out of the bed to not awake him and made her way into the shower. Once she turned on the water leaned up against the wall for a little bit letting the water fall down her face rethinking about her whole crazy dream but shook the thought away and went on washing her body. Stepping out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her the lizard wolf noticed Toffee had gone probably into the other room giving her the chance to slip into her daily clothing. Her snout lifted up catching a great smell from the kitchen, slipping her cut off top on let the wavering smell guide Lotil to find Toffee cooking up a bit of delicious pancakes. The hybrid's mouth watered making her way over to Toffee leaning over his shoulders.

"Sweet Mewni that smells great" she said taking in the smell.

Toffee smiled looking at her "Thank you, it'll be done soon" suddenly Lotil giggled at the bit of pancake mix that was placed on his apron and face "What's so funny?" He asked Her raising an eyebrow.

Lotil grinned "You're covered in pancake mixing Toffee, that's what's funny" she giggled.

Toffee blushed lightly in embarrassment "Oh yeah I had some trouble mixing it earlier" he chuckled.

Lotil smirked at him getting an idea, got atop the counter and  stood on her knees to reach the height of the lizard's face. Toffee looked at her questionably "Lotil, what are you doing?" Without an answer the hybrid leaned in and used her slimy blue dog like dog to lick off the pancake mix that was formerly on Toffee's right cheek. His face flushed a shiver running down his spine once she pulled away licking her lips satisfied "Mm, tasty" Lotil purred laughing at the frozen Toffee who showed a very stunned expression. She leaped off the table and headed towards the living room calling behind her: "Toffee! Might wanna concentrate on the pancakes or they'll burn!" Toffee snapped out of his daze and returned to the pancakes that fried on the pan his face still flushed red.
Lotil sat on the couch grabbing a book titled 'Tales of The Ciphers' when a knock was heard from the door. Sighing, she got up off the couch and headed towards the doorway opening it there stood Hickory holding a strange cubic box in her hands. "Hey Lotil!" The hyena cat greeted with a smile Lotil smiled back "Sup Hickory! What brings you here?" The lizard wolf asked.
Hickory jumped up excited "You won't believe what I just found!" She held out the box to show her fellow hybrid friend.
Lotil took hold of the object turning it over to observe it "Whoa, what is this?"
Hickory squealed "This here is a game called Truth or Punishment, you have to tell the truth or be punished in the worse way possible."
Lotil raised both eyebrows intrigued and yet nervous about the game "So this cube thing asks you questions and you have to answer honestly no matter how personal?" She looked at the cube than Hickory.
Hickory nodded grinning "Indeed! I've never played it before but I heard about it and wanted to play with you and Toffee if you guys were interested that is" the hybrid nudged Lotil with her elbow.
The other hybrid felt unsure but shrugged and gave a smile "Why not? I doubt it'll be too bad. Come on in Hickory" she signaled for her friend inside, with a little skip Hickory followed gleefully into the cave the door shutting behind her.

Lotil set the cube down on the coffee table once Toffee had walked in holding two plates of pancakes he jumped when he saw Hickory sitting in one of the leather chairs "Oh hello Hickory" he seemed a little surprised once setting down the plates "Hey FeeFee! Good seeing you again" Hickory grinned.
Toffee rolled his eyes "I told you before not to call me that" Hickory laid back in the leather chair over one end of it's elbow laughing "I'll call you whatever I please, FeeFee at least until you learn not to be so uptight" he glared at her.

Too Hate or Too Love: Lotil's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now