Hanging Out Pt.2

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"What's the matter, can't handle a little honesty?" Tom said, as he smirked when he saw the Safe Kid's annoyed, yet worried expression. In return, Marco just elbowed him.

"Hey i already played the game before! It's just that  things went downhill as we got through the game, that's all." Marco explained, as his friends looked at him with sympathetic eyes, yet, his friends still understood, which is a pretty rare occasion, where they would actually listen and understand each other. He sighed in relief afterwards.

"Hey, dont worry about it..." Alfonzo said to Marco while patting his back. "It's just between us friends."

"Thanks man." Marco said as he smiled awkwardly.

"Alright, now with that settled, let's BEGIN!" Tom said, with yet his demonic voice coming again. But before he could start the game, Star came in barging in to the room to check what was going on.

"Marco is everything alright? I swore i heard someone scream." Star said, who then noticed his guests, smiling at her, not minding the ruckus she's making.

"Oh, hi Alfonzo, hi Ferguson, and... Tom?!" She screamed while wearing an expression with the combination of slight anger, annoyance, and confusion.

"Oh, hey Star." the demon prince replied casually, not minding the attitude the princess is showing towards him.

"What is he doing here?!"

"Nothing, i just invited him to get to know him better, and, for good times sake, that's all." Marco replied. The princess looked away, not seeing that as a good excuse for her ex-boyfriend to be at their house. Tom's presence in the room alone irritated her. She then proceeded to notice the Truth or Punishment Cube.

"Still haven't learnt from last time, Marco?" Star asked Marco with  a smirk on her face.

"Oh please, don't remind me. Oh, and, can you like, leave my room now? Go hang out with the girls downstairs or something, let us have our privacy, and we'll let you have yours, will ya?" Marco asked impatiently.

"Psh, alright, i'll go now." said Star, who then proceeded to leave the door.

"Finally." Alfonzo said as he sighed in relief that they can now finally begin.

Then suddenly, Star poked her head in the room again to mention something.

"Oh and Diaz, one more thing, don't let anyone in my room, especially Tom, do you understand?" Star emphasized.

The boys nodded in response, as Star finally left them for good.

Tom then stood up...

"Now, let's begin, shall we?" Tom said as he clapped twice.

And the room went dark...


* Cliffhanger people! Why?! Cos' i can!!!!! XD Lol :P

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