The Fork xD

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This will take time on school (again) cause why not xD

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This will take time on school (again) cause why not xD


Danny x Reader~~~

Today was a great day.

It was a Monday and you were headed off to school like always, this time with a smile on your face.

You get to see your crush since 3rd grade, Danny.

He never noticed you though so that was pretty sad... But that didn't stop you from trying.

Sure he was labeled as a fuck boy in school since he would make out with a lot of girls in school but you didn't care.

Nothing stopped you from having a crush on him because deep down you knew he was a great guy when he actually opens up to someone.

And you were going to be that person whom he will love.

The walk to school was like any other.

You would personally walk alone and meet up with your friends at the school yard, as you got there Danny quickly got your eyes.

He stood there with his 5 other hot friends... But Danny was hotter.

You quickly passed by them not wanting to get their attention. Since his friends would pretty much ruin your conversation.

You and Danny never spoke... He would only say things as an "Excuse me" or "sorry" but for you that still counted.

"(Y/N)!" your friend Zoey called out, she was with your other 3 other friends. You ran towards them and greeted them like always.

"I saw Danny again (Y/n) when will you talk to him?" Brenna said. She was the tomboy in the group so she always went for things she wanted.

"Yeah, if you want we can set you guys up" Emma also exclaimed. She was the girly one in the group but she was also bitchy which you guys liked that about her.

"It's fine I'll do it.... Someday" you muttered. You were the simple emo it the group but they cared for you nonstop.

"Yah! (Y/n) just go for it!" Zoey yelled. She was the nerd in the group but she was really pretty but no guys could date her because she preffered a smart boy instead of the retards in school.

You rolled your eyes, "don't worry I got this"

The bell rang, "alright see you guys at lunch!" We all hugged and went our ways to our class.

You had Danny and Jordon in your first period which was Science. You hated that, he always distracted you with his face.

His face was so holy.

Anyways he took notice of the glances that you have him.

Sometimes you would stare at him but when he noticed and looked back, you would quickly look away as if you weren't staring at him in the first place.

You kept doing so until you saw him chuckle at the way you did that.

His laugh lost you...

"(Y/n)! What's the atomic mass of Sulfur?" The teacher suddenly shouted you out since you weren't paying attention.

You jumped back and quickly opened your notes, "The uh atomic mass of Sulfur?" You asked buying a bit of time.

The teacher crossed her arms, "Yes, the atomic mass of Sulfur" the class grew quiet.

Until Danny and Jordon laughed a little.

"Um..  I dunno I forgot...168?" You quietly asked.

The class bursted out laughing and that included the two.

You tried to cover your face, how could you embarrass yourself in front of your crush and the class.

You dared to look over at Danny and he stared at you... And smiled. You whole face became red and continued to stare at him.


Lunch time~

You got your food and found your way towards your friends table, when you found them you pretty much slammed the plate onto the table and sat down.

"Moody much?" Emma reacted first.

"You guys! I embarrassed myself on Science today!" You finally admitted.

"How?" They asked in unison.

You explained everything and when you were done they all laughed.

"It's not funny! Now Danny might think I fucking retarded..." You pouted.

"It's fine, at least you made Danny laugh" Brenna pointed out.

You started to get mad since they weren't helping at all and finally you slammed your head on the table which luckily Zoey quickly placed her hoodie so you won't hurt your head. The slam caused your spork to fall down on the floor.

"Great, now I don't have a spork..  to eat. My. FOOD." You were about to reach for it until a hand touched yours.

You panicked and quickly looked up just to meet Danny's eyes.... Great, it's time for you to die now.

He picked it up and looked at it, "Yeah this is probably dirty now... here I'll give you mine, you're welcome" he handed you his.

You took it and he smiled at you.

"Meet me at the school yard after school" he said and then left. You stood there with his spork in your hand.

Zoey shook you and fangirled.

"(Y/n)!!!! Danny asked you to meet him at the school yard!!!! And he gave you his spork!!!"

You blushed, "h-he did?" You asked.

At first you thought you were imagining all of this.

When school ended you quickly made your way to the school yard, without saying bye to your friends.

As you made your way, Danny was there with his other friends and when they noticed you they fist bumped him and left.

He walked towards you.

"(Y/n) right?" He asked.

"No it's Alexia. No shit.. You're in my fucking science class you know?" You crossed your arms.

He laughed, "You're really different from other girls, I like that about you" he stated.

You blushed hard and playfully slapped him on his arm.

That caused another laugh to come out from him.

"How about I walk you home?" He grabbed your hand.

You smiled, "Sure, let's go"

He smiled at you and you both began walking together.


*sigh* late like always.

#dissapointment 😂🔫

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