Chapter 1- Scars

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I got off my bus, already knowing the how the day will go:






It was a cycle of never ending pain.

Just as I thought, after second period, I was hiding in a bathroom stall, holding back my tears I knew would spill. I picked up my razor and marked my skin once again. The pain was horrible, but it was better than what was out there.

I couldn't take the jeers and words anymore. They hurt me too much. It was time to end it all. I got up and ran out of the bathroom and through the back door of the school.

My home was just a few blocks away and in no time I had made it there and was locked in my room, sobbing on my bed.

I replayed my P.E. class in my head again.

"Hey Ashley."

I looked down and went the other way.

"Where do you think your going Ash-Trash." someone jeered.

"Get back over here."

I walked faster but not fast enough, because my torchurer caught up with me.

"I said GET BACK OVER HERE." she yelled as she punched me in the gut.

I felt like a wreck. There was nothing I could do. I thought about the gun in my dad's closet. I could end it all right now. But what about Sam? He loved me and looked up to me. I couldn't let my little brother find me dead.

It was too late for second choices. I got up, ran to my dad's closet, grabbed the gun, and ran back to my room.

Once my door was locked, I sat down on the bed and turned the gun over and over in my hand. It will all be over soon. No more pain. Nothing.

I put in up to my head, it's coldness making me shiver. It will all be over soon. I took a deep breathe and cocked the gun.

3, 2, 1.

I pulled the trigger and everything went dark.


I opened my eyes and saw white everywhere. I was in a white room. I stood up and started banging on the walls.

This can't be hell, but it can't be heaven.

"HELP!" I shouted.


"HELP!" I cried out again.

A door opened and a girl who looked about my age came in.

"My name is Lauren." she said.

"What am I doing? Where am I?" I asked.

"Ashley, your in heaven, but your not here to stay."

I looked at her confused.

"Your here to get a second chance, and I'm here to help you. You are going back to earth-"

I winced.

"but I am going to be with you. All your scars and pain will be gone. Everyone will remember you and treat you the same, but you have a chance to stop them. To show then who you are. Once you don't need me anymore, I will go." Laura said.

"I- I get to go back?" I asked." Nothing will be on me?"

For the first time in months, I could finally wear a short sleeved shirt.

"All you will have is a scar on your left wrist. To show you this was real."

I looked at her, smiled, and said," I'm ready."

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