Chapter 3 - Memories

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I was in a amazing mood when I got home. The day had gone by ok, with a few incidents.

When I got off my bus, there was a white truck in the driveway. It wasn't one I knew personally. I went inside carefully. The door closed with a thud, and I heard a voice I hoped never to hear again.

"Hello Ashley," my dad sneered.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked into the kitchen.

"W-why are you h-here?" I asked quietly.

"To see my favorite angel." he replied, taking a step towards me.

"Why are you really here." I said, feeling a little bolder.

"To get my things. You mother wanted me to. I noticed a bullet missing out of my gun."

I gulped.

"I hope you didn't touch it."

He lifted up his hand a hit me on my cheek. I let out a small cry and fell to the floor.

"I HOPE YOU NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" he yelled as he kicked me repeatedly.

"Stop!" I cried.

He grabbed me by my shirt collar and hit me again.

"Nobody cares about you. How about you go kill yourself." he whispered in my ear.

I looked at the floor as he grabbed a box of things and left the house.

I ran up to my room and locked the door. Why did I even come back? I killed myself for a reason.

I grabbed the razor I kept in my bedside table and started to cut myself. The cuts got deeper and deeper the more I cried. I started to cut on my other wrist then stopped. There on my arm was the scar. The permanent scar. The scar to remind me of what I had done. I put down the razor and cried into a pillow.


My heart stopped.

"Ashley, look at me."

I turned around and saw Lauren. Except it didn't look exactly like Lauren. She had wings and was glowing all around.

"Ashley, you need to stop. I am here for you. Why didn't you call for me?" she asked.

"I- I didn't think to. He- He hurt me so bad." I murmured.

She put her hand on my arm, and all the scars disappeared.

"I'm here for you." she said.

So what do you guys think?! I wanted to write a story where a girl isn't saved by a guy. She is saved by herself. Tell me what you think!

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