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peeled oranges

yvon watched as jimin scribbled in his textbook. he hadn't even noticed he wasn't the only one in the empty class anymore.

to be fair he had earphones on. she wondered what it was that he was doing and why he was skipping lunch yet again.

without even thinking about it, she leaned in, her face so close, they could have bumped heads. "holy shit!" jimin jumped back, nearly falling off the desk he was seated on.

she grabbed onto him as he held himself up with one hand. "sorry." she gave him an apologetic smile.

jimin sighed, pulling his arm away from her and closing the textbook on his lap. he sent a mild glare her way.

"i really am sorry. i didn't bring any apples today to apple-ogise with but i have oranges." she said cutely, offering him some of her peeled oranges.

jimin's brows furrowed. "did you just–?" he shook his head, unable to believe her. "i don't want any oranges." he told her.

"but you haven't had lunch." she said, sounding concerned. he ran a hand through his hair. "i'm not hungry." he jumped off the desk.

"what were you doing?" she asked, eyes following him as he moved away from her. "studying."

"wow, you're so serious." yvon remarked. "skipping lunch so you can concentrate on your studies."

"yeah." jimin tried to step around her. "you're being weird." she stated. "am i?" he shot a glance her way. if anyone was weird between them, it was her.

"yeah. i think you're avoiding me." she replied. "i'm not." he said, not looking her in the face. "i have to go." he moved around her and might as well have run out of the class.

she stared after him, eyes blinking in confusion. "did i do something wrong?" she mumbled sadly, her full lips turning downwards.


my sad puns have begun

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