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fruit cups

jimin wondered why yvon stepped out of her house with a flushed look on her face. she practically ran down the stairs to where he stood, waiting for her.

"yvon?" he stared at her. "let's go." she wrapped her hand around his and pulled. "what's wrong?" he smiled a bit at her face. "my mom," was all the explanation she offered as she made him jog away from the front of her home.

he chuckled, digging the heel of his foot into the ground and stopping them. "but i want to meet her." he used their intertwined hands to make her face him.

"maybe another time." she suggested. he smiled, nodding his head. "okay." he resumed their walk down the street.

"so, where are we going?" she began to swing their still intertwined hands. "the ice rink." he answered, lips lifting again at her cute action.

her big eyes rounded. "really?" she leaned closer to him. he nodded his head, pressing his lips together cutely. "ooh, i can't wait!"

• • •

jimin couldn't wait to see her on the ice once he'd helped her get her skates on and she suddenly seemed nervous. "um, i'm scared of falling." she mumbled when he offered her his hand. "you don't have to be. i'll be there with you." he assured her with a sweet smile.

she took his hand, her head bobbing in a nod, soft smile on her face. jimin helped her up carefully, guiding her onto the ice. her other hand automatically went to his arm in a bid to keep her balance.

he grinned at how she held on to him like her life depended on it. "please don't drop me." she pleaded. "i'll try." he answered cheekily, amused at how her gaze shot up from their feet to his face. "try?" she echoed.

"for a girl who's not afraid of heights and swings her legs out fourth floor windows, you sure are afraid of falling." he chimed as he held her steady.

"don't laugh at my pain, that's mean." her lips moved into a pout. "i'm not. i just think you're cute. and i'm curious." he replied confidently. she glanced away, cheeks warm and he grinned again.

"okay, let's try this." he took both her hands in his as he tried explaining the basics of ice skating. "are you comfortable moving now?" he asked sweetly. she bobbed her head, although she still looked slightly nervous. "i got you." he promised as they began to move at the edge of the rink.

the bright giddy grin that split her lips when they began a steady move made jimin's heart swell in his chest. she glanced at him and he smiled softly. she tripped a little and her grip on his hand tightened, making him chuckle.

"you're doing great." he complimented. "i have a really good teacher." she answered earnestly. "maybe it's time to take the training wheels off." he chirped. "what do you mean?"

"i'm going to let go in five seconds but i'll be here right next to you." he promised. yvon began to shake her head. "no, no, no. you said you've got me. don't-" his hand left hers.

she let out a small frightened squeal but somehow maintained her balance on the ice. "jimin, that is not nice!" she frowned at him. "maybe. but you're doing well on your own." he laughed, glancing at her feet.

"oh my god! i am. i'm actually-" she slipped and a small scream left her lips. jimin's eyes widened and he moved to grab her unstable form, moving in one swift motion so that he fell on his back with her on top of him.

he stared at her, lips slightly parted. her expression was shocked for a moment as she stared right back at him, hands splayed on his chest. and then she started giggling. "that was fun."

his lips curved up slowly as he reached up and brushed her hair out of her face. "want to get fruit cups?"

• • •

jimin glanced at yvon and she was staring up, hands pressed to the grass. she'd just finished her last fruit cup and was now staring wide eyed at the darkening sky while he stared at her. he breathed out a laugh at her child-like expression.

she looked at him then. "you've been smiling all day." she pointed out. "is that a bad thing?" he asked. "no. i like it." she smiled. "and i can see your dimple right here." she reached over and poked his cheek.

he wrapped his hand around hers, bringing it down from his face and lacing his fingers through hers. "you had fun today, right?"

she glanced down at their interlaced hands before nodding. "did i look like i didn't?" she asked earnestly. "because i really did."

she stared straight at him, twinkling brown eyes showing him that she meant what she said. she looked angelic, especially with all the different lights of the nighttime hitting her face just right so it looked like she was glowing.

and without thinking about it, jimin leaned over and pressed his lips to yvon's in a soft kiss, his stomach erupting with a fluttery feeling as she kissed him back shyly.



the penultimate chapter! this is already drawing to a close wow i can't believe. one more chapter and we're done :')

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