Chapter Thirty Seven

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Normally I don't try and start drama over something so petty, so it's going to be quick, this wee note before this chapter begins, and i'm sure the people who were involved are going to know that this is about them...

I posted on my profile a week ago, i'd be going on holidays from the 31st of July to the 4th of August, and I wasn't bringing my laptop and would only have wifi at night. Most should've understood that obviously, because I was going on holiday it was difficult to update fanfics beforehand.

However, a day into my holiday, I returned to my hotel at half 11 with about 13 messages and 3 comments in which I had to delete, which really down-hearted me. Honestly. I'm not going to exactly say what each message sent, for some of it was... really not needed and rude. They basically were 'Why the hell aren't you updating? FFS' ect. :/

I love all my followers, voters, and readers. It gives me confidence, but normally, I would respond to the messages, and delete the comments for the sake of the story, but, one that I saw about 5 times were, 'She's not even on holiday, but completely ignoring her stories and thinking of excuses.'

Now, I have proof, I can mention every single little detail of the past week as I had a blast, and due to the first night comments that I saw, I completely turned off my phone and refused it till today when I got home, at 4 this morning.

Three hours sleep in 2 days, isn't good, and here I am, updating... Hopefully give me some credit? And if anyone says such things again, i'm afraid I will be reporting. Just ask for proof, and I can give you some.

Now! Sorry for all who weren't involved. It was needed.

On to the chapter!!


Pounding, drumming, chaos.

A pounding, drumming and chaotic heart.

That special organ that has so many purposes, it helps oxygenate the blood, followed by pushing that special life force through the veins to reach every inch of the body. However, it's also the organ that is used to reference love. It beats for a specific person, and clenches when ripped from that one person, no matter who they are, or their gender, that heart will clench and be in pain.

Snapping my eyes open, silence around me despite the faded yells and the thrumming in my ears. My eyes had opened just in time to see Evie's form running across the room and my breathing hitches as she gazes at me, eyes ruptured with tears, her bottom lip trembling in utmost fear and body shaking from the tip of her toes, to fingertips.

"You little brat!" Hiamre roars, my head turning to gaze at him, holding his left eye with the bottom of his palm. His other hand clasped on the wall to keep his form standing, part of my netting that was attached to my canopy fallen and laid like trash on the ground.. Dagger meters away from him – probably flung away, his chest heaving in anger.

She punched him... I hope he gets a black eye...

"You can't hold a child?! Are you that pathetic!? GET HER!" Lareis hisses, tightening his hold on my two hands thrown up above my head against the desk, my manicured nails dug tightly into his skin and I can see the slight pain twinging the corner of his mouth and shake of his arms. "Just kill the bitch!"

The searing pain firing up and down my leg from the sudden twisted angle as he tripped on the carpet beneath his feet due to the scream and slammed his own kneecap into my thigh, not to mention his foot is still lodged firmly on mine, making it ache even more. Breathing uneven and ecstatic with fear as the pain continues to linger, teeth sinking into my bottom lip to stop myself from crying out.

That another piece of damage to this body...

Yet... his dagger implanted millimetres from my stomach, the sharpened tip dug firmly into the desk, along with the slight rip in my attire. The small amount of trickling blood calms my nerves, yet moments later, they spark once again. The force in which the weapon went into the desk would've ripped two lives in minutes...

She who is betrothed - Akagami No Shirayukihime - Izana x OCWhere stories live. Discover now