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I woke up and still felt the pain in my neck. I went to the bathroom to change my bandages. After that I got my breakfast ready and got dressed I decided to skip school today and go see Sean. I went to the old warehouse and saw them all still sleeping. I went up to where Sean was sleeping. I slightly shook him to wake him. He looked surprised to see me but was still happy to see me. He whispered gimme a minute. He got up and stretched. He walked over to me and lead me out of the warehouse. He said what would you like to do today? I asked if we could walk in the park today since it was cloudy out. so he wouldn't have a problem with the sun. we went to the nearby park and it was pretty deserted so I sat down at a bench with him and sighed. he looked over and said what's wrong? I just blew air out of my mouth and said I just miss my family. he said I hope I can ask but what happened to them? I told him that one day a few years ago they were gone it was my dad and my sister who lived with me. My dad had a really bad gambling problem so I just assumed they got taken away by the loan shark guys. But I've been fine living on my own since then.I work as a waiter at a men's club. I smiled at him and said I'm all good. He gave a fake smile and said I bet you are. I started to feel rain drops and It was getting on my eyes starting to make my makeup run. My eyes burned so I tried to wipe my eyes and try not to make it even more smeared. Then I felt Sean's hands on my face I started to try and say something but he shushed me and said don't talk it makes it harder to clean up. Oh so he was helping me with my makeup. Finally he got it all cleaned up for me. I smiled and said thanks. He replied with no problem. He then asked do you wanna get outta here before it starts to pour? I said oh sure if you want. He grabbed my hand and we ran to my house. By the time we got there we were soaked. I went into my room and changed. I grabbed my dad's old clothes. I left the room and gave Sean my dad's old clothes. He smiled and said thanks. I replied no problem. He went into the bathroom. After a few minutes he came outta the bathroom. He walked up to me and pulled on him shirt and said how do I look? I chuckled and said pretty good considering that they are my dad's clothes. He said thanks and sat on the couch with me. He said hey Clarissa can I lay on your lap? I'm pretty tired. I said oh sure why not? He buried his head into my lap and said your warm. About 10 minutes later he was fast asleep. I played with his hair and twirled my fingers in it. Eventually I fell asleep too.At least an hour passed by the time I woke up. I looked down to find Sean also awake. He looked at me and said hello beautiful. I blushed and turned away but still let a thank you come from my mouth. He sat up and grabbed my face by my chin. He leaned close to me and said your such a cute silly girl. He stood up and stretched. I followed suit. I went into my kitchen and said man I am really hungry,but there is no food. Awwww! man! Sean came up to me and asked would you like me to take you out to dinner? I shook my head no I said because you paid for lunch the other day. He tried reassuring me that it was okay. So I gave up and said fine lets go out to dinner. I swear he picked the nicest restaurant in town. On the way he refused to tell me where we were going. So of course we stuck out like sore thumbs. He ordered a steak while me being the fat person I am ordered a 4 course meal. It felt so good to be full of food. After dinner we went back to the park,it was nice and cool. I could feel the nice breeze in my hair. I looked over at Sean and saw a sparkle in his eyes they were so intriguing. I thought to myself and questioned what is this boy to me? How do I feel about him? I just dismissed the thoughts and kept looking. Eventually he turned and looked at me,i just looked away. He grabbed my hand and said were you looking at me? did you wanna say something? I blushed and shook my head no and looked away. His hand was so warm...i was so nervous for no reason. Sean asked me if I was alright,i just said yeah I'm fine. I heard a rustle in the bushes and stood up to go look what it was. The next thing I knew I was grabbed and heard lots of yelling, then i was knocked out. I woke up in a dark place,i couldn't tell where I was. I heard people outside from where I was and I heard banging it got louder each second. All of a sudden it stopped. I saw a bright light emerge and it looked like a garage type door. In the light came out a person. Clarissa! the person yelled. mmhhh. It seemed my mouth was muffled with something, I was tied up too. The person untied me,and removed the gag. It was Sean! I stood up and he yelled "jump on my back!"

I hopped onto his back and he ran outside the storage unit. He jumped onto the tops of the storage units and was going down the row. I swear it felt like flying it was so fun. After awhile jumping from building to building he stopped on top of a roof. He looked really tired and I put my hand on his chest. Wait what? What was this wetness on my hand I felt? blood? I yelled "oh my god! your hurt why don't we go to a hospital?"  Sean shook his head no. He said I can't go there. Sean sat down and asked me to come near him. I sat next to him and he whispered in my ear m...may I drink your blood? I stuttered but then I finally just shook my head yes. I knew he needed my blood. I unwrapped my bandages and showed him my neck. He licked my neck and slowly bit into me to not make it hurt. I could hear him devouring me. I started to feel weak. I muttered Sean....,he finally stopped and apologized. He said "thanks,i feel a lot better now". Then he realized the other bite marks on my neck that weren't his. I covered the bites on my neck and Sean removed my hand and asked who did this?

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