Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfiction and I'm sorry if it's bad and sorry if it has spelling mistakes or stuff like this in it. I'm writing it on my phone :D I hope you all enjoy this! :)


"Bella! Come downstairs!" I heard my mother yell. I just got into my bed but I forced myself to get out of there and hurry downstairs. My mother was in the kitchen, reading a magazine or something.

"What is it, mom?" I asked. She looked me with her blue eyes. She was a beautiful woman. She had straight dark brown hair and perfectly brown skin. I looked pretty much like her.

"Well... Bella... We're moving." she finally said.

"Oh... Well... Where then?" I dragged the words out of my mouth.

"I'll talk to you about this in the morning. Go to sleep! It's late already!" she said and left the kitchen.

I was pretty confused. I know my mom is a very unforeseen but it was too much.

I went up to my room and sat down on my bed. Maybe mom wants to move away because of dad. They are fighting every single day.

Dad wanted to throw mom out of the house. Well, it's basically his house so I can't blame him but still... I guess that's why mom wanted to move away.

She was a strict woman. Sometimes too strict. Everything has to be as she wants.

It was a school day tomorrow so I decided to go to sleep...


"So you said you'd tell me more about this moving stuff today?" I said to my mom as I poured some cereal into a small glass bowl

"Is dad coming with us?"

"No" was all she answered.

"Um... Ok... I guess..." I said a little too loud.

"Watch your tone when you speak to me, young lady!" my mom got a little upset.

"Dad is not coming with us for a reason... He's in prison."

"What?" I almost spat the cereal back in the bowl.

"Yes, that's why we're moving, dear..." she said calmly "today".

" Mom! We can't f... We can't leave today!??"

"Yes we can." she said. We finished our breakfasts in akward silence.

"Can I go to school today?" I asked.

"Of course, just make sure you pack everything you need after. We're leaving to the airport at 7 PM." she said while putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

I was too afraid to ask my mom where we're moving so I just took my bag from my room and went to school. My house is almost next to the school so it only takes like 5 or 10 minutes to get there.


As I reached my locker I saw my bestie, Carola. She is that kind of girl who doesn't have to do anything to look gorgeous. She has long curly blond hair and light blue, almost grey eyes.

"Hey Bel!" she said happily while giving me a big hug.

"Hi, Carola!" I said hugging her back.

"You just don't wanna know what happened last night..."

"Oh, what? Did yout parents fight again?" she asked.

"Nope... It's worse... I'm moving to god knows where.. " I saw her happiness fading away...


Thanks for reading! :) Sorry if it was short and boring but it will get better I swear! :)

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