Chapter 14

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Ricky picked me up after school and took me to the park to have a walk.

"Look, Ricky, I'm sorry... I over reacted..." I tried to apologize.

"Oh, that's okay!" he smiled "but how did you get home? It was pretty late and your home is not very close to mine."

"I went to a friends house." I told nervously and prayed that he wouldn't ask the friends name.

"Which friend?" he asked. Shit.

"Luke" I mumbled.


"You heard..." I looked at the ground.

"So did Luke take you home?" he got suspecious.

"Yea... In the morning..." F*ck... Why did I say that?

"In the morning? Are you kidding, Bella!?" he suddenly started yelling. I felt my eyes get watery but I blinked the tears away.

"He slept on the floor if you meant that" I said calmly.

"Yeah... Sure he did..." he said angrily.

"Should I have gone home on foot then?"

"You're right... Sorry..." he mumbled.

"Are you still coming to the party this weekend?" Ricky asked after few minytes of silence.

"I'm not sure... I'm grounded..."

"You can sneak out or tell your mom that you have to go study english with someone... I don't know, just come pleasee" he looked me with a puppy face. How could I say no.

"Alright... I'll figure something out." I smiled.


I opened the front door. Luckily mom wasn't home or I would be in even bigger trouble. I quickly ran upstairs and changed my clothes.

I had just got done with the homework when I heard mom entering the front door. I went to see if she was in a good mood so I could talk to her about 'learning english' at my friends house".

She was filling the fridge with the stuff she had just bought from the grocery.

"Hey, mom... I know I'm grounded but... I need to finish a project that  english teacher asked me, Josy and Amy to do and I wanted to know if you would let me go to Josys house for a sleepover at saturday..." I ran out of breath.

"Is someone else coming too?" she asked while she started cuting some kind of chicken thing.

"Amy, I guess..." I said nervously.

"Are they friends of yours?"

"Yea" I mumbled.

"I guess you can go BUT if I ever get to know that you were out with your 'nice' guy friend then you're grounded till the next year" she said calmly.

"Okay" I said and went back to my room. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I checked my phone: 1 text from Luke

"Can I come over tonight?"

I felt butterflies in my stomack. As much as I wanted to text him that he could I remembered the words Josy and Amy told me.

"No, my mom is in a bad mood, sorry :("

"That's ok :)"

I tossed my phone away. I felt bad for lying to him.

"Dinner is ready!" I heard mom yelling from the kitchen.


I was just about to go to bed when I heard someone throwing something against my window. I went to check. I saw Luke standing there and a big smile grew on my face.

"I told you, my mom is in a bad mood" I said as quietly as possible.

"I came anyway" he started climbing.

"Shhhh my mom's in there" I told him.

"Sorry" he mumbled. He made few last pulls and was already on my balcony.

"So... What do we do now?" I said as I pushed him inside. We sat down on the bed.

"Why don't we watch TV?" he smiled.

"Why did you come here again?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know... I just felt like it" he smiled.

"Alright, I'll get us something to eat" I said and rushed to the kitchen. Mom was also there, drinking tea.

"Who were you talking to?" my mom asked casually.

"No one" I said as calm as possible and grabbed a pack of chips.

"I heard the talking" she took a sip of her tea.

"It was probably just TV" I said and hurried to my room.

"Food came!" he said happily.

"Shut up, my mom's already suspecting something" I whispered as I threw Luke a pack of chips.

"Anything for the princess" he joked.

"So are we just gonna watch TV for the rest of the night?" I asked because I was pretty bored.

"We could play 20 quiestions" he said and put the last chips into his mouth.

"Okay..." I was a little confused because I had never played it "you have to teach me..." I blushed.

"We just answer eachothers questions" he smiled.

"Oh" I blushed even more. How could I be so stupid.

"Oh, and you have to be honest" he added and I nodded.

"You start then" I said.

"Your favourite colour?"


"Same" he smiled.

"Ummm... Do you play any music instruments?" I asked shily.

"Guitar..." he said quietly and looked on the ground.

"Would you like to play it to me sometimes?"

"Hey, it's my turn to ask!" he joked "Do you count me as your friend?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." I blushed again.

"You blush a lot though" he joked.

"Shut up!" I smiled and poked him gently.

"So, could I see you playing guitar one day?"

"I don't know..."

"C'moon! I'm sure you're very good at it"

"Maybe one day" he said.

"Why was Amy yelling at you in the café today?" he asked and looked down.

"You saw that?"

"You can't answer with a question"

"Alright... She was yelling because you smiled at me... But don't tell her I told you or she will murder me..." I blushed.

"Why did you want to know?" I looked into his eyes blue. I could drown into them.

"Can I skip this?" he looked away.


"Alright... It was just interesting to know."

"Are you lying?" I looked into his eyes again.

"My turn to ask" he looked away "What else did she tell you?"

"That you're a jerk, you drink at parties, sleep around and she has a crush on you..." I totally shouldn't have said that.

"Do you believe her?"

"I don't know..." I answered quietly.

"Alright..." he let out a deep sigh.

"I'm going home now, it's late already" he said. Then he came very close and whispered in my ear: "Seeya" and then he left.

After few minutes I still stood at the same place. What  the  hell just happened?

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