Chapter 8

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Ricky had called me after school. He'd pick me up at 5. I had to get ready but I didn't know what to wear so I texted Carola:

"Omg im going on a date!"

"My baby is growing up :')"

"No its serious, i need your help"

"Dont you like the guy youre going on a date with?"

"I doooo, i need your help! What should i wear?"

"Are you going to somewhere fancy?"

"I dont know"

"Go for casual then! :)"

"Thanks ily :*"

I tossed the phone on my bed and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed up. I put on a light pink top and black skinny jeans. I blowdried and then curled my hair. I put on a little mascara and lipgloss and then I was done.

I checked the time. It was 4.48. I only had like 10 minutes to do something. I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I heard my phone ringing. It was Ricky.

"Hey, I don't actually know where you live so can you give me your address?" Ricky asked through the phone.

"Sure, I'll text it to you" I said.

"Great! Be ready! I'm coming!" he shouted.

"Alright alright, seeya!" I giggled as I ended the call.

I sent my address to Ricky and went to watch the TV untill I heard the doorbell.

"Comin!" I shouted as I went to open the door.

Ricky was standing there. A smile grew on my face.

"Hey!" he said.

"Hi!" I smiled.

We went to his car. I sat down on the passenger seat.


We were at the same cafe where we were the last time. They really had the best cheesecakes in here.

"Ummm... I actually wanted to ask you something..." Ricky said.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Well... I have birthday like in two weeks and I'll throw a big party and... Ummm... Would you like to come?" he asked nervously.

"Yes!" I shouted. Obviously I was too loud because people were staring.

"That's cool" Ricky said giggling.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" he asked.

"What? Now?"

"Well not if you don't want. We could just have a walk or...?" he said. It was so cute that I just had to giggle.

"What?" he smiled.

"Walking then?" I smiled back.



We had walked untill my legs got tired and Ricky drove me home.

It was 9 o'clock so I decided to get my homework done. I heard a low knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I shouted.

"Can I come in?" I heard my mother say in a low tone.

"Sure!" I said "what is it?"

"I got you a new phone" she said as she put a small box on my desk.

"and by the way, who was that boy who drove you home? I saw you from the window." she asked in a little strickter tone.

"He's Ricky." I smiled "we have been hanging out few times"

"Alright, just be careful with him" mom said.

"What do you mean?" I raised my voice a little and stood up.

"He could brake your heart" she said as she left the room. I sat back on the chair and opened up the box where my new phone was supposed to be in. A new iPhone 5. Same as my old one.

"Okay then" I said myself.

New is always better.


I woke up to two voices yelling at eachother downstairs. It was finally saturday! Sun blinded my eyes as I slightly opened them. I sat up on my bed and heard more yelling coming from downstairs. One was a mens voice amd one was my mothers.

"I need to see her!" the men voice yelled.

"Go away! She doesn't need you!" my mother yelled.

"Alright. I'll go... But... I will come back" said the mens voice. I heard the front door open and close. I got out of the bed and hurried downstairs.

"What was that?" I asked from my mother confused.

"What?" she said in that strict voice. I knew she was mad at someone.

"Who was that?" I asked again.

"What are you talking about?" she asked as she poured herself some coffee.

"C'mon, I'm not stupid... I heard the voices..." I said and sat down by the kitchen table.

"Oh... That... It was a postman." she said taking a sip from her drink.

"Oh... So the postman needs to see me huh?"

"I think you should go to your room!" she said, her voice strict again.

"With pleasure ma'am" I snapped and ran upstairs and locked myself into my room.

I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the call.

"Hi, umm... Bella... Do you still wanna umm... learn math... with me...?" it was Luke. I had given him my number last time we had math so he could call me when he felt like teaching me. I smiled like an idiot when I heard his voice.

"Yeah, today?" I asked.

"If you'd like to"

"Ofcourse I'd like to"

"I'll pick you up at 2 then?"

"I'll text you the address!"

"Alright bye!"


I ended the call. I didn't even know what time is it. The clock on my phone said 12.33. "Well shit..." I mutterd. I only had like two and a half hours to get ready.


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