Chapter 21

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I made it to school just in time for the last class. English. It was boring as always and I had to sit next to a very annoying girl.

When the class was finally over I hurried to the lockers in hope that Josy and Amy were there.

But instead there was Luke.

"Hi" I mumbeled to him.

"Hello, gorgeous" he smirked.

"Don't call me gorgeous, it's weird" I groaned.

"Is the gorgeous girl in a bad mood" he teased.

"Stop!" I smiled.

"What are your plans for today?" he asked, nervously looking something from his phone.

"Go home, listen some music and avoid my mom"

"I was wondering if we... Ummm... Could go out, I wanna show you something" he looked at his feet.

"Sure, but you have to stop calling me weird names" I smiled.

"Maybe" he smirked. I smacked his shoulder lightly and he pulled me into a hug.

"Seeya then!" he quietly said as he pulled away.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Gorgeous!" he shouted when he was already at the other side of the room. I smiled at his stupidity.

"What's going on!?" I heard Amy's mad voice behind me.

"Oh, hi, Amy!" I smiled nervously.

"What were you talking with Luke?" she asked and we started walking towards the exit.

"Umm... Nothing really" I tried to avoid her gaze but it was impossible.

"Why are you lying to me?" Amy stopped walking

"Sorry but Luke is my... friend and I can talk to him whenever I want" I started moving again.

"You don't know who he really is! He is a player, as soon as he gets in your pants he'll throw you away like a thrash. Oh... and his friends are even worse" Amy was basically yelling now "He is...."

"... my friend, now go mind your business. Do you know where Josy is?" I interupted her.

"Fuck off! Don't you ever come crying to us when Luke breaks your heart because we don't give a fuck, we'll only laugh at you" she keeps yelling.

Why is she getting so upset because of it? It's not like anything is going to happen.

"I really appreciate your advice but I really need to see Josy"

"She doesn't give a fuck about you" Amy said bitterly.

"Who doesn't giva fuck about who?" I heard a cheerful voice behind me. Ofcource ot was Josy.

"Hey girls, you gotta pretty heated up conversation I see" she smiled.

"Yeah, pretty much" I let out a little laugh. Amy stared at me coldly.

"Bel, you get any plans for today?" Josy asked in a more serious tone.

"Yea actually I have some plans" I mumbled, avoiding Amy's gaze.

"Ooh, new guy again huh?" she smirked.

"Nah, just a friend" I blushed.

"We'll see" she winked.



I was SO jealous of Bella. Why does she get everything. I am the one who's in love with Luke. He's supposed to ask me out instead of her.

And like Luke wasn't enough for her she's now trying to get my best friend.

I hate her so much! I'll never let her be happy. She's gonna regret everything she did to me.

"Sorry for freaking out, I'm just trying to warn you, he's not the guy you're looking for." I said when Josy was finally gone.

"No problem" Bella smiled. I faked a smile too.

She walked away and I started going towards the bus stop.

I've got an amazing plan for that bitch!



I hope she really meant it. Maybe she's right about Luke not being my type but I mean we're just friends. Right?


It was 6PM and I was doing my homework when I heard my phone ringing. Luke.

"Heyy" I smiled to myself.

"Hi... Umm... I'll be there soon so get ready" he mumbled through the phone.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you"



"You're evil"

"You're pretty"

"You said you'll stop calling me names"

"It's not a name it's a compliment"


"Alright get ready, babe, seeya!" he ended the call.

Oh my god... The way he just said babe sent chills down my body.


Things are gonna get bad soon, get ready! :D

I hope you liked that chapter c:

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