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His reaction to whatever was going on was starting to worry me so I grabbed onto his tightly. Then someone walked into the kitchen and sebastian pulled me behind him.


Whoever was standing in the kitchen sebastian had made and erie silence along with this other person. "What are you doing here?" sebastian spat. "I'm sorry, I was told to help." The other person said. 'Wait that sounds like Hannah.' I peeked around his shoulder and seen a beautiful woman with lavander hair that was incredibly long and she had a maids uniform on. "Seb-" I was cut off by the maid. "You don't have to hide her Sebastian." I walked out from behind Sebastian since I wasn't afraid of Hannah. "Hello sweetie I'm Hannah annafellows and you are?" "Uhm alois is here isn't he?" I asked. Hannah nodded for an answer. "Hannah I'm (y/n) but can you not tell alois that I'm here. I've known him to be violent." "Of course. You should get going to your room so he doesn't catch you." I gave he a thank you and sebastian picked me up bridal style and ran to my room.

When we arrived sebastian looked upset at something, "Are you okay Sebastian?" "Unfortunately kitten you will have to stay here for a few days, but there isn't anyway of knowing since the young master and the Tracy brat are working on a case." I sighed and went to sit on my bed. "Well since that's happening will you keep Rose with you until then. You don't want Claude snooping in this room everytime you come in to feed her."I stated. He nodded taking Rose from the​ Middle of the bed and started heading to the door, "I'll be back later to get you something to eat alright kitten." I blushed at the nickname and he chuckled while leaving. I sighed since I knew that I'd be stuck in a room for a while.

Ciel's POV

While Trancy was in my study talking about the new case that we were placed on together I had only hoped that sebastian had taken care of (y/n) before his servants noticed her. "Are you even listening phantomhive. I don't like this as much as you do but we were given instructions to work with one another." alois said. "Look trancy we don't have to work with one another. I'll take care of the case and you can do whatever it is that you would like. I'll even give you credit towards the case." I stated.

"Why would you do that?" alois questioned. "I don't like being anywhere near you. If you do this one thing I'll invite you to the halloween ball that I'm hosting next week." I spat. He looked hesitant but then agreed to doing what I asked. I called for sebastian and he appeared having tea along with scones. "Young master I have taken care of the matter you requested earlier." I nodded and then dismissed him. "What matter could he possibly take care of?" alois questioned. "I've been having intruders on the premises nothing more." I lied. When I looked up I noticed that alois was telling that demon of his something to where they were the only ones that could hear. "Claude I want you to assist sebastian." alois said smirking. I looked as Claude had excused himself then left. 'what could they possibly be planning.'

~time skip cuz author-chan doesn't know what to write~

Still ciel's POV

I watched as trancy rode away with the two demons he brought with him. I decided to walk to (y/n)'s room since I had sebastian make her stay there till alois left. When I get to her room I knock on the door and hear her faint 'come in'.

(y/n)'s POV

When I hear knocking on my door I say 'come in'. Ciel had walked in my room," (y/n) alois was here earlier today-" I cut him off. "Ciel I know he was here. I met Hannah in the kitchen. I went there to find sebastian so I could help him but he had a worried expression, and when Hannah walked in I just knew. " I explained to him. "Also I'm extremely hungry. I want food so is it safe to leave now or did he stay?" I ask. Ciel chuckled at me and said he had left. I walked out of my room behind ciel and as we started walking towards the stairs ciel started sneezing.

"Uhm ciel I'm really sorry. Rose is shedding really bad but you sneeze like a kitten. " I started laughing at the sight. He kept trying to tell me to shut up but was never able to say anything since he kept sneezing. After I calmed down he was still sneezing just not as bad so I helped him down the stairs so he wouldn't fall. When we made it to the dining room Sebastian had already set the table full of food. My mouth started watering at the sight of the food so we both sat down. After eating I felt better and sebastian took care of the dishes. "(y/n) would you please follow me to my study I have to speak with you." I nodded and followed him. When we entered the study I sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "It's about trancy, I have invited him to the Halloween ball that we will have next week. I was wondering if you were comfortable with him being there." I thought about it, "Well I don't mind, what will happen if he sees me. When we were in my time he didn't hesitate to be rude." I said. "Well if anything happens just call for Sebastian I'm sure he won't mind helping you with them. So aside from that would you like to play a game before you head off to bed?" "Please, I'm so bored and I had Sebastian take Rose so I had nothing to do for the last couple of hours." both ciel and I played a few games till I started to yawn. "I think it's time for you to go to bed (y/n). " as I was starting to slip into darkness I felt someone lift me up from the chair. "Now, let's get you to bed kitten." I heard the figure say. I nuzzled my head into his chest and started falling deeper into sleep. I was gently layed on a plush bed and then felt covers being placed on me up to my shoulders. "Goodnight kitten." then I fell fast asleep.

Hope you enjoyed!! New part soon... And as usual sorry for typos

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