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I moved over and let him lay down, I rested my head on him just feeling his chest rise and fall with every breath he takes. Not long after I fall fast asleep to him saying his sweet words.


For the next week I've been in ciel's study thinking and helping him with ideas but I had suggested that we head to London to get everything for the decorations and some gifts. I was in my room with mey-rin since she had to put the corset on me then pulled out an array of beautiful red and green dresses. "Which one would you like mi'lady?" she asked. There were dresses with plaid patterns and others solid. I found a dress that had design but wasn't the classic christmas plaid(at top).

When I finished dressing, mey-rin brushed my hair and curled the ends of it. After I was dressed she tied the choker that matched the dress and I hid my pendant underneath it. I went out of my room and down to the dining room where everything was already set up for breakfast. "Don't you look stunning my lady." sebastian said seating me. I gave him a thank you and ciel was talking about the celebration throughout majority of the meal. After we ate I took dirty dishes into the kitchen to get washed.

I stood in the kitchen with sebastian as he clean the dishes up. Afterwards we were about to leave but sebastian stopped me by putting an overcoat on me as well as a crimson scarf. "It's going to get rather cold throughout the day mistress." I smiled at his thoughtfulness and we all left for London. While we sat in the carriage I looked at the list and thought about how we should pick the items up. "So, we should start with lights then work our way to the ornaments since I don't want to break them before we get home." I said looking at the list.

While we walked around town looking at the different shops we went in one with only decorations. I asked sebastian to pick up some white lights while I picked the tree topper. I walked over to the toppers and noticed a very decorative silver star. I picked it up and walked over to sebastian who had just gotten the lights. "Kitten, do you think this is enough for the tree?" he asked holding up two boxes. I looked at the length of the cord and I took a guess and said yes. Ciel eventually found us near some ornaments, "What are you doing?" he asked. "Well I thought it would make the tree more special if we all had a signature ornament that reflects us." I said happily.

While looking at the array of different people and animal ornaments I found a black raven while sebastian just hid his, "What are you hiding sebastian?" I asked. He gave a little pout because I had used his name instead of the nickname I gave him. "Awe please raven tell me." I said with my own pout. He just shook his head no. "Sorry my precious kitten but I'll give it to you when we start decorating the tree tonight." he said with a smile. I looked over at ciel who was looking for ornaments and noticed he picked up a princess figurine along with the prince. "Are those the ones you want for you and lizzy?" I asked. He gave a small blush and handed them to me. I decided to put my ornament back since sebastian saw the raven I picked up. I was looking thought the ornaments and found another raven although it held a crimson rose in its beak, I hid it behind my back and walked over to the counter and had the raven wrapped for precaution.

Sebastian came up to the counter soon after and he payed for them. When he finished we all walked out of the shop an I had an instant smile on my face. The long awaited first snowfall of the winter season fell. "We should probably hurry just in case the snow gets worse." I said hurrying. After we got all the holiday items and sneaking a branch of mistletoe in the bill. I concealed the mistletoe so ciel wouldn't notice then we went to get the tree. When we finally made it to a tree farm I was smiling like a child. "(Y/n) why are you so excited about christmas?" ciel questioned. "Well, I haven't had a Christmas in a while so it feels nice to celebrate it again." I said then pulled the both of them along.

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